STILL TIME TO RUN FOR TOWN COUNCIL Do you live in the unincorporated area of La Crescenta, basically between Briggs and Pennsylvania? If so, your Town Council needs you to step up and represent your town. Anyone can run as long as you’re a registered voter in our town for at least one year. You […]

Meeting Drayman – part 2

In part two of our mini-bio on Glendale City Councilman John Drayman, we pick up at the point where John graduated from Crescenta Valley High School. Although he had been in student government all through school, John’s true passion was theater arts. He had been a major player in the drama program at CVHS, and […]

The siren call of the past

Last week, television news featured a story about the testing of a new tsunami warning siren in the coastal town of Port Hueneme, 60 miles north of Los Angeles. The siren isn’t exactly new, being of World War II vintage and formerly designed to warn of inbound enemy aircraft. However, its repurposing to alert residents […]


DANGER IN OUR BACKYARDS I live on Henrietta Avenue between Pennsylvania and Maryland. On Wednesday night, Sept. 30, around 8:00 p.m., one of my two beloved dogs was killed by a large animal in our backyard. We had just arrived home from work and let both our dogs out as we have done hundreds of […]


TO CV WATER SAVERS Dear Water Saver, Do you remember the old English nursery rhyme that was a childhood favorite? Mary, Mary quite contrary, How does your garden grow? With silver bells and cockleshells, And pretty maids all in a row? Now what do you think made Mary contrary? Maybe a shortage of water for […]

Hard to take, harder to leave behind

Hard to take, harder to leave behind

By Jim Chase A great many Crescenta Valley residents – myself included – were ordered to evacuate at least once during the worst week of the recent Station wildfire. My own neighborhood was under mandatory evacuation orders three times in two days. On two consecutive nights, I stood on our balcony in the hot, still, […]

Getting to know Drayman

Getting to know Drayman

By Mike Lawler Glendale City Councilman John Drayman has been much in the news lately, both in Glendale for his championing of a move to Brand Boulevard for the Museum of Neon Art, and locally for his brokerage of a deal to locate a new Trader Joe’s on the west end of Montrose Shopping Park. […]

Looking at CV Park

Looking at CV Park

By Mike LAWLER On the surface, Crescenta Valley Park is a big oak-shaded park, nestled in the southwest corner of our valley at the base of the Verdugo Mountain. But to many old timers, and to those up on their local history, it’s two distinct parks: CV Park to the east and Hindenberg to the […]

Letters to the Editor

Bold move, CV Weekly In a day and age where newspapers are closing or consolidating every day, you made the bold move to publish and deliver a free weekly paper! My day still consists of the morning read, along with the morning cup of coffee. Your market study was correct: This area wants, needs, and deserves our […]

So long summer, hello heat wave

So long summer, hello heat wave

by Jim Chase Family, friends and regular readers of this column know that I do not like hot weather. Nope, I am not the happy pappy when summer rolls around and temperatures start creeping up the thermometer. When the weather drones on local TV news begin cheerfully warning viewers to “get ready for a nice […]