An Attack on Ukraine and Democracy Itself Over the past month, we have all watched in horror as Russian President Vladimir Putin has waged an unprovoked, bloody war against the Ukrainian people. We’ve heard the blare of air raid sirens from Kyiv to Odesa, and watched the footage of missiles streaking indiscriminately through the skies. […]
From Rocky Cola to Gus & Andy’s – The Long and Winding Road The rumors are true! The most anxiously awaited restaurant in Montrose is finally open! After Rocky Cola Café closed in 2014, everyone just assumed it would reopen soon as another restaurant. The building has a prominent position in Montrose, right on the […]
La Cañada $3½ Million House Had Origins in an Argument Over a Cow I was recently contacted by a family about their home in La Cañada. They thought it had an interesting story that my readers might enjoy, and so it does! This palatial home, valued at over $3½ million, was the home of community […]
Eliminating Cost-Barriers to Breast Cancer Screening Will Save Lives In California alone, 31,720 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer this year. In 2022, 4,690 women will die from the disease. As a breast cancer survivor, I know firsthand that early access to diagnosis and treatment can save lives. That is why I have joined […]
Spring has (Almost) Arrived! March is Women’s History Month and honors the women who persevered, who broke down barriers and shattered glass ceilings to create a better America. At the CV Town Council’s February general meeting, the Council unanimously agreed to send a letter of recommendation to Supervisor Kathryn Barger’s office in support of upgrades […]
Deukmejian Park’s Stone Barn Nature Center History – 1900 to the Present Last week we talked about the natural history of Dunsmore Canyon, where Deukmejian Wilderness Park is today, along with human history up to the planting of the vineyard there. In 1886, Frenchman George Le Mesnager had purchased the canyon for a vineyard to […]
Perhaps More Citations and Penalties Will Work It’s wonderful that Senator Susan Rubio authored resolution SR 60 that is “focused on street safety.” Many vehicle violations not only occur in our community but on our highways throughout California. What’s amazing is that it has taken so long for our representatives to recognize the problem. Everyday […]
Deukmejian Wilderness Park History and the Stone Barn Nature Center Things are about to get pretty exciting at Deukmejian Wilderness Park. The long-awaited nature center planned for the inside of the historic Le Mesnager stone barn will open on March 19. Schools throughout the region will have a new and amazing field trip destination for […]
It’s Finally Here! As many of you know, I grew up in Sunland-Tujunga at the western edge of Big Tujunga Canyon and Angeles National Forest. As a kid, my friends and I used the wash and surrounding mountains as our playground. We hiked, built forts and dammed up the streams to create swimming holes. It […]
CV High School Plays Baseball at Stengel Field. But Who the Heck was Stengel? I guess I don’t have a lock on local history! Justin Hager, the sports writer for this paper, wrote the following as a lead-in to our quick look at the history of Stengel Field: “Falcon baseball kicked off last week, continuing […]