Letter to the Editor

Battling Armed Drug Dealers I have been thinking about this for some time. When I read the Glendale PD blotter, it seems like the majority of arrests include convicted felons in possession of loaded firearms. Some of these end up with a zero bail release. Many years ago, Arlington, Virginia had a big problem with […]


Getting Involved in 2022 As we move into the new year with hope and expectation, many of us will go through a process of evaluation and self-reflection. How can we be healthier, happier and more satisfied with our lives? What can we do to better our community and contribute to the greater good? For us, […]

Treasures of the Valley <<< Mike Lawler

Verdugo Hills Bowl – Fond Memories Part 1 The Verdugo Hills Bowl operated on Foothill Boulevard west of Pennsylvania Avenue from 1959 until 1996. It was a magnet for young people of the valley (and their parents). For those people, Verdugo Hills Bowl was all about the good memories. I’ve collected a two-part sampling of […]

Treasures of the Valley <<< Mike Lawler

Treasures of the Valley <<< Mike Lawler

Verdugo Hills Bowl – The Beginning Longtime local Dennis McNerny has been prompting me for several years to write about one of the most important icons of our valley in the post-war years, the Verdugo Hills Bowl. Dennis was working there when it closed, and its loss has stayed with him all these years. Verdugo […]

Personal Perspective <<< Julie Butcher

Glendale Works In our part of La Crescenta, I can annoy my neighbors by reminding them we live in Glendale. No, they say, we live in La Crescenta. Or Montrose. Or Verdugo City. Never Glendale. Yet, for me, three-ish years reporting on the doings of the Glendale City Council, following years and years representing local […]

Letter to the Editor

Rainy Day Reminder When your windshield wipers are on, your headlights must also be turned on. (Not just the running lights, but also the headlights – which means your taillights are also on, making your vehicle much easier to see.) According to the Dept. of Motor Vehicles’ California Driver Handbook, “You must turn on your headlights […]

News from Washington <<< Rep. Adam Schiff

Keeping Pets and Families Together in Affordable Housing Numerous decisions go into finding a place to live. Of course, the most pressing issue is cost and so many families are priced out of particular neighborhoods or out of any housing altogether. This is especially true in Los Angeles, which has long been experiencing a crisis […]

Treasures of the Valley <<< Mike Lawler

CV Christmas In Wartime As Christmas approaches, I became curious about the Christmas mood in CV at the onset of WWII. The attack on Pearl Harbor was only a couple of weeks before Christmas in 1941. Once again I turn to the pages of the old CV Ledger newspaper to get a read on how […]

Letters to the Editor

Moving Column While I always enjoy Mike Lawler’s “Treasures of the Valley,” this past week’s was particularly poignant. The dedication and sacrifice of POW McSwain and the post-return connection with an Oregon girl later in life, their friendship and her care, brought tears.  What an amazing story. Tom Lusby La Crescenta   Sharing Final Thoughts It […]

Treasures of the Valley <<< Mike Lawler

The Lost Canyon Community of Aztec Park For years now, I’ve received queries about abandoned cabins and foundations way up high in Haines Canyon, just over the border of Tujunga. I’ve even been sent photos of extensive foundation work half hidden by brush. Apparently, this was the tiny community of Aztec Park. Some background: In […]