Legislative Update Just over a week ago, Gov. Newsom put his signature on the last piece of legislation for the year, having officially signed or vetoed hundreds of bills sent from our latest legislative session. I’m happy to report that, despite many pandemic-related challenges, I had nine pieces of legislation signed into law. These measures […]

Letter to the Editor

Celebrating – and Planning – All Rockhaven Can Be How exciting it is that the leaders of the State of California have recognized the significance of Rockhaven Historic District and are contributing to the opening of the park we bought so many years ago! Thank you so much for recently getting an assessment done on […]

Letters to the Editor

The Road To Communism                     Pro-vaccination zealots praise businesses for firing employees who refuse to get the shot. Yet, when a business refuses to bake a cake, these same zealots will resort to anything in order to drive that business out of business.   A business has the right to fire anyone if it deems it is […]

Treasures of the Valley <<< Mike Lawler

CV Pioneers Who Were Civil War Veterans Once again, I turn to the stellar research done by local historian Jo Anne Sadler, who has written extensively about the 19th century pioneers of CV. She compiled histories of our pioneers who fought in the Civil War and from her work this is written. While there were […]


It is October and fall is in full swing. Kids are getting the hang of in-person learning again and parents are feeling a little more comfortable being at home. First and foremost, the CV Town Council wants to acknowledge our 2020 Crescenta Valley High School seniors, the recipients of the CVTC scholarships that will be […]

Treasures of the Valley <<< Mike Lawler

Wizard of Oz Director Was Born In La Cañada Kudos to one of my readers, Bill Lozier, who discovered that one of the great film directors of all time, Victor Fleming, director of “Wizard of Oz” and “Gone with The Wind” plus a host of other great films, is a La Cañada native. Bill said […]

Views from the Valley <<< Susan Bolan

Trying To Keep Up It’s getting more difficult to keep track of all the projects in the Crescenta Valley. Here is a quick update of some of the topics that the Crescenta Valley Community Association discussed this summer: Regional Issues California High Speed Rail – The Burbank to Los Angeles segment has completed environmental review […]

Letter to the Editor

Faults Incomplete Article Justin Hager’s article from Sept. 30, “CV High Stadium Project Moves Forward with GUSD Approval,” is not accurate. The neighbors who live around the campus do not want a stadium. There will be traffic, parking, nighttime lights, noise levels and safety issues that GUSD has not addressed. I have personally spoken to […]

News from the CVWD

CVWD 2021 Drought Update In mid-August, the federal government declared a water shortage on the Colorado River due to the ongoing drought. This is the first declaration of this type and will trigger mandatory water consumption cuts for states in the southwest. Lake Mead is the largest reservoir in the U.S. by volume. This Colorado […]

Treasures of the Valley <<< Mike Lawler

La Cañada’s ‘Mexican Quarter’ From the 1880s through the ’20s, La Cañada had a neighborhood of poor laborers, mostly people of color. Most people don’t realize that La Cañada, now one of the highest income suburbs of Los Angeles, started out as a largely rural and working-class community. It was mostly small farms and ranches […]