Letter to the Editor

Applauds Hager’s CVWD Coverage Reporter Justin Hager’s coverage of CVWD’s public hearing on proposed rate increases (Sept. 23) is an excellent example of good journalism – thorough and fair, yet demonstrating critical analysis as well. Reporter Hager did not just take the superficially rosy picture that CVWD presented of water rates only increasing from 1 […]

Letters to the Editor

Applauds Observations Kudos to Sara Quan for identifying deficiencies in the existing trail system at Two Strike Park (CV Weekly article “New Ramp Not Useful For Everyone,” Sept. 16). These are exactly the types of suggestions that should be made in the context of overall improvements to the Eagle Channel at the Town Council’s upcoming […]

News from Washington <<< Rep. Adam Schiff

We Must Restore The People’s Faith In Our Democracy America’s commitment to democracy has been a cherished part of our legacy for generations. It has also been a work in progress, an ideal that we struggle to uphold. As we have so painfully witnessed during the last Presidential administration, the rule of law is not […]

Treasures of the Valley <<< Mike Lawler

The Rainmaker Visits La Crescenta A few years ago, a local historian discovered and wrote the story of a local visit by one of the most famous “rainmakers” of the early 20th century. In Jo Anne Sadler’s book “Frontier Days in Crescenta Valley,” she writes of Professor Charles Hatfield’s time in La Crescenta attempting to […]

News from Sacramento <<< Assemblymember Laura Friedman

The Debate Around High-Speed Rail Debate and negotiations are at the very core of our democracy and certainly my work in Sacramento. We live in a big state, with tens of millions of people all holding a wide range of perspectives, backgrounds and ideals. We do not need to look much further than our own […]

Treasures of the Valley <<< Mike Lawler

Who Burned Down The La Cañada Schoolhouse? – Part 2 Fifteen-year-old Lemuel Veilex was in a lot of trouble. If you remember last week, the mysterious arson fire on the evening of March 16, 1893 had burned down the La Cañada schoolhouse. A reward was offered and a young LA transient, O.M. Clement, figured he […]

Letters to the Editor

Tribute to Harriet Hammons It has been a little over a year since the passing of our friend, civic volunteer and community booster, Harriet Hammons. She selflessly did so much for the foothill communities, Chamber of Commerce, Kiwanis, Boy Scouts, La Cañada Flintridge Tournament of Roses Association, not to mention serving her church in various […]

Treasures of the Valley » Mike Lawler

Who Burned Down The La Cañada Schoolhouse? – Part 1 It was a cool spring evening in La Cañada Valley – March 16, 1893. Theodor Pickens, the man for whom Pickens Canyon is named, was playing the card game of whist with some friends. Pickens, now in his 40s, had given up his life as […]

Views from Crescenta Valley Town Council » Harry Leon

Summer is Officially Over!   I am so glad that in-person school sessions are back this year. Thank you GUSD (board members, superintendent, faculty, and staff) for taking all precautionary measures to make our students safe. This Saturday, we all be commemorating the anniversary of 9/11. That day was the worst day we have ever […]


RECALL ELECTION DRAWS NEAR… As the recall election draws near, it is important to set partisan politics aside and look critically at Governor Gavin Newsom’s performance and personal qualifications. In my opinion it’s clear; he is not fit to continue as California’s governor. Under Newsom, California has among the highest property tax, gas prices, sales […]