News from Sacramento <<< Laura Friedman

Vaccine Update It’s hard to imagine that it has been over a year since we first took action to keep our community safe from the COVID-19 pandemic. It has been a challenging year for all of us, and I am working every day with my colleagues in the legislature on a range of pandemic related […]

Letters to the Editor

Against Acting in Secret On Feb. 25, the Glendale Design Review Board approved a project at 3950 Foothill Blvd. comprised of 34 apartments and four commercial spaces despite considerable opposition from the community. That opposition was doomed to fail because in March 2020 the city granted the developer concessions regarding building height, lot coverage and open space […]

Letters to the Editor

Reflections on a ‘Legend’ Recently we lost Tommy Lasorda, baseball and Dodger legend. I had the opportunity to meet this wonderful man on several occasions. Tommy came to speak to the students at Rosemont Middle School with a message of encouragement and a challenge to the student body. This was my first year as Rosemont PTA president.  […]

Treasures of the Valley <<< Mike Lawler

High-Speed Rail from Vegas to La Cañada? The Crystal Lake Freeway? I just love writing about things that could have been, but never panned out. In the past I’ve written about plans to turn the valley into a reservoir, construct a racetrack at CV Park, build Montrose Junior High, and the wholesale development of the […]


Spring has (just about) arrived! Let me start by saying thank you to Glendale Unified School District and its team for preparing precautionary measures to implement safety protocols so in-person learning can seamlessly be returned to. The preparations include taking students’ temperatures, designating specific entrances and exits, mandating mask wearing, putting up plexiglass shields on […]

Treasures of the Valley <<< Mike Lawler

John Wayne Grew Up in Glendale We have had a lot of Hollywood stars associated with our area, due mainly to our proximity to Hollywood. But the biggest by far was screen actor John Wayne, who had an amazing decades-long career in film. Wayne was more that a movie star. He is an icon. And […]


So Goes The Neighborhood I am probably going to date myself here but in 1976 there was a movie called “Network” starring Faye Dunaway and Peter Finch. It featured an iconic scene by news anchor Howard Beale who launches into a full-throated monologue, telling listeners to run to their windows and scream, “I’m mad as […]

Letters to the Editor

The Need Remains for Natural Gas The current administration is pushing hard to eliminate the use of fossil fuels. Two of the green sources being backed are lithium for batteries. The batteries are to be used for energy storage for solar-powered homes and buildings as well as electric vehicle (EV) transportation. Lithium comes from huge […]

Letters to the Editor

School Closures, the Real Issue Looking for a break from the dark winter of President Biden and the continuous fear mongering of the mainstream media, I decided to take a look at this week’s CV Weekly. Surely my trusted local town newspaper would have something relevant and interesting for me to read. But aghast – […]


Ensuring All Angelenos Get Access to the Vaccine  Amidst the torrent of information about COVID-19 and the continued toll the virus has taken on our community and the entire nation, it is easy to lose sight of the miraculous, safe and astonishingly effective nature of the vaccines. Two vaccines have already been approved and tens […]