News from CVTC » Harry LEON

With All Best Wishes for the Holidays and New Year! Dear Crescenta Valley Friends, Let me start this month’s column by congratulating all seven candidates who ran in the Nov. 13-14 Crescenta Valley Town Council election. We had a tremendous turnout with 468 votes counted spread over 287 voters … so many in fact that […]

Treasures of the Valley » Mike lawler

Bizarre Suicide Attempt Elicited A Harsh Sentence I came across an account of a strange incident that took place in our valley in 1965. The results of the event illustrate how much has changed since then. Malcolm, a young man who was deeply disturbed, was living in an apartment on Florencita Avenue in Montrose. In […]

Views from the Valley » Susan BOLAN

Train To Nowhere I admit it. As a community activist, I dropped the ball on California High-Speed Rail (CAHSR.) A decade ago, I decided to focus my efforts on the 710 Freeway tunnel, a project which thankfully was defunded in 2017, saving our communities the estimated 180,000 additional vehicles per day on the 210 Freeway […]

Treasures of the Valley <<< Mike Lawler

Before Crippen Mortuary It seems Crippen Mortuary has always been part of our community. Since 1928 it has provided service to the Crescenta Valley from its original building (now enlarged) at 2900 Honolulu Ave. Family-owned for its entire existence, it is like a familiar friend in a time of grief. It provides a warm, friendly […]

Treasures of the Valley » Mike Lawler

Does Bigfoot Live in the Mountains Above Us? Bigfoot, or Sasquatch, is a legendary hulking 7-to-10-foot-tall hairy creature, somewhere between a man and an ape. It has been reported for hundreds of years worldwide, with many of the sightings in the Pacific Northwest. But there are several reported encounters in the last 50 years in […]

News from Washington » Rep Adam SCHIFF

The Path Forward for Fighting COVID-19 and Healing Our Nation Under unprecedented circumstances, and amid the worst pandemic in a century, Americans voted in record numbers and delivered a clear result: On Jan. 20, 2021, Joe Biden will become the 46th President of the United States. Once President-elect Biden takes office, he will immediately be […]

Treasures of the Valley » Mike Lawler

UFOs over Crescenta Valley – Part 2 I’m continuing this week with the history of strange sightings in the skies above our community. These stories are taken from the book, “The Tujunga Canyon Contacts” by Ann Druffel and D. Scott Rogo. These stories in Part 2 involve helicopters, both conventional and mysterious. The book says […]

News from Sacramento » Laura FRIEDMAN

It’s hard to imagine that back in January many of us ushered in the beginning of a new decade with not a semblance of what challenges were in store for us. It’s been tough. We’ve battled the virus while working to keep food on the table for unemployed constituents and business owners, and a roof […]

Letter to the Editor

CVWD Repairs Serious Leak At Oak Creek Reservoir On Aug 29, CVWD detected a leak in the 16-inch inlet/outlet manifold at Oak Creek Reservoir (for details see CVWD board packet for Oct. 13, Action Item 5). Oak Creek Reservoir provides water to approximately 2,000 CVWD customers. The CVWD board immediately approved $275K plus $50K contingency […]

News from the CV Town Council » Harry Leon

Local Elections, Increased Graffiti Tackled by Town Council November is a busy month. Everyone is looking forward to spending time with immediate family celebrating Thanksgiving. We can now breathe a sigh of relief that the country’s elections are over and we can look forward to a new year as our country comes together. It’s important […]