Treasures of the Valley » Mike Lawler

UFOs over Crescenta Valley – Part 1 Many years ago, I wrote about one of the earliest modern alien abduction stories recorded. It took place in 1953 in Big Tujunga Canyon. I got the story from a book on the subject “The Tujunga Canyon Contacts” by Ann Druffel and D. Scott Rogo. The majority of […]

Letters to the Editor

I await any factual evidence at all for Stuart Byles’ assertion that there is U.S. support for “Marxist/socialist platforms, groups and ideas,” and for John Kretz’s claim that Vice President Biden will enact “socialized medicine” if elected U.S. President (Letters to the Editor, Oct. 29). Meanwhile, I am happy to dwell with them in a […]

Treasures of the Valley » Mike Lawler

A New Book – ‘Growing Up In Sunland’ I feel privileged to introduce you to a new local history book by local boy Tom Gilfoy. It’s a truly joyful rendition of what life was like in Sunland-Tujunga in the 1940s. Tom is the consummate storyteller. I liken him to Mark Twain in his ability to […]

VIews From the Valley» Susan BOLAN

I Knew We Could Do It With each day that passes in this frightening year, I am aghast at all the crazy news and chaos around me. Frankly, I am exhausted by all the hysteria, anger and turmoil. As Halloween approached, I wasn’t sure how it would unfold with the LA County health restrictions discouraging […]

Treasures of the Valley » Mike lawler

Glendale Fought the Nazis in 1964 The City of Glendale made news recently by officially apologizing for its racist past, specifically racial restrictions on housing and unwritten “sundown laws” which “encouraged” African Americans to be out of town by sundown. Glendale was the first city in California to acknowledge its error, and the third in […]

News from the CVWD – Emergency Preparedness

All areas of the United States can experience natural hazards, but whether they become disasters, or even catastrophes, depends in large part on what we do now to prepare to survive and recover. With September being National Preparedness Month and October being Earthquake Preparedness Month, it seems a great time to let the community know […]

Letters to the Editor

Supporting our Armenian Community For many years the Crescenta Valley/Glendale community has embraced the rich diversity of our Armenian community members recognizing the numerous contributions from students, families and businesses of Armenian descent who add to our community’s strength. During the past several weeks civilian adults and children in Artsakh and Armenia have been killed […]

News from Washington: Rep. Adam Schiff

We Must Stand with Armenia and the People of Artsakh Last month, Azerbaijani bombs began falling on the people of Artsakh. In the weeks since, hundreds have been killed or injured and thousands have been displaced from their homes, sleeping out in the open for fear of drones or artillery or bombs. Historic churches have […]

Treasures of the Valley: Mike Lawler

Fremont Elementary School Gets Letters from Vietnam I was fortunate to have a chance to look at the history files kept by the Fremont Elementary PTA. Although there were many treasures from the school’s nearly 100-year history, the most touching were thank you letters from soldiers in Vietnam. Fremont students had assembled care packages of […]

Treasures of the Valley » Mike Lawler

  Our Relic Air Raid Siren Gets a New and Better Home   A few years ago, I wrote about a Cold War relic that we have in our valley, the Chrysler Air Raid Siren. Many of you remember our post-WWII Cold War with the Soviet Union that put the Los Angeles area in the […]