Treasures of the Valley » Mike Lawler

1917 Murder: Robbery or Ill-fated Love Triangle? – Part 1 Twenty-five-year-old Albert de Marcus had checked himself into the Thorneycroft Farms, a private sanitarium located near Adams and Windsor in Glendale. Albert was suffering from “poor health” (perhaps tuberculosis?). But he was a handsome single young man, and had a way with women. He juggled […]


Fighting to Extend Unemployment Benefits for All   Coronavirus has brought about an unprecedented economic crisis: the unemployment rate is the highest it has been since the Great Depression, countless businesses have been forced to permanently shut their doors and millions of American families are struggling to make rent and put food on the table. […]


Recall Gavin Newsom More than one quarter of a million of California’s corona virus testing records have been neglected and uncounted, [according to]. As a result, the testing data was delayed by nearly a week leading to inaccurate case numbers statewide. This is especially concerning for the thousands of business owners across the state […]


Her Two Cents I would like to respond to two pieces from the Aug. 13 issue. In the From the Desk of the Publisher Robin wrote that she was ticked off about “Biden’s claim that he was choosing as his running mate a woman of color” and did not say that he was picking the […]

Treasures of the Valley » Mike Lawler

Augie’s Tavern Memories   The Crescenta Valley has had its fair share of little neighborhood bars, sometimes jokingly referred to as “dive bars.” Barru, My Place, Intermezzo, Up the Hill, Village Pub, Avignone’s … the list goes on and on. Augie’s Tavern was one of these. It was located at 3352 Foothill Blvd., on the […]


Unemployment, Financial Shortfalls Plague State   We have now entered the sixth month of the COVID-19 pandemic. The pandemic has hugely impacted our society and lives; it also altered our work in the legislature. COVID-19 disrupted the halls of Sacramento when several of my colleagues contracted the illness. In response, the Capitol was shut down […]

Treasures of the Valley » Mike Lawler

Old Lady Scott   “You kids get out of here – this is private property – or I’ll call the police!” For a curious little buckaroo like me, that struck terror in my heart. I mean, all we were doing was playing in the old orchard behind our house, running in-between the orange, lemon and […]

NEWS from the CVTC » Harry LEON

Despite COVID-19, Much is Going On in the Crescenta Valley   As we enter our fifth month under the Stay at Home Order, I know many community members have been feeling restless, emotionally exhausted and drained. This has been a trying time for all members of our community. Is this our new normal? There is […]


A ‘Topsy Turvy’ World Like “Alice in Wonderland,” I fell down a rabbit hole into a topsy-turvy world ruled by the White Queen – Gavin Newsom. “The rule is protesters tomorrow and prisoners yesterday,” proclaimed the Queen. “But never shop keepers and school children today.” “Your Majesty,” I objected. “It must come sometimes to shop […]

Views from the Valley » Susan BOLAN

2020 Vision Is Blurry   Back in 2010, I was privileged to serve on the North Glendale Community Plan (NGCP) advisory committee. This advisory body was composed of Glendale Planning staff, business owners, community leaders, historians and residents. We spent the better part of the year envisioning the future of far North Glendale that includes […]