News from SACRAMENTO » Assembly Member Laura FRIEDMAN

Congratulations   In January, when I returned to the halls of the California Capitol, I was prepared to join my colleagues in another legislative session with the backing of a vigorous economy and record-level revenue. Then the COVID-19 pandemic began its wildfire-like spread through every corner of our state. Practically overnight, the pandemic radically shifted […]

News from the CVTC » Harry LEON

Congratulations to the Class of 2020 I wish to extend my sincerest appreciation and congratulations to all of our graduating high school seniors and college graduates and their families. There is no greater joy than to celebrate your achievements and accomplishments and salute you, even more so this year because you realized these successes in […]

Treasures of the Valley » Mike Lawler

The Big Wildfire of 1908 – Part 3   The late summer fire had burned nearly the entire floor of the Crescenta Valley in just a few hours. Amazingly, thanks to a large volunteer force, only four ranches were consumed, but many orchards and vineyards were damaged. The fire raged through the mountains for several […]


Chasing the Coronavirus Since shutdowns of schools and businesses began in March, coronavirus case numbers in Los Angeles County have not gone down, and are currently increasing at an alarming rate. As someone who analyzes data for a living, I have started downloading LA County’s breakdown of the coronavirus numbers by community and tracking its […]

Treasures of the Valley » Mike Lawler

The Big Wildfire of 1908 – Part 2   Last week we covered the beginning of this massive late-summer wildfire that swept the valley floor of La Crescenta. It had started about noon in the southwest of the valley, near today’s CV Park. It swept northwest and west, across the sagebrush-covered future Montrose. Fickle winds […]


Corrects Misleading Statements First … John Kretz’s [letter of June 25] entitled “Where is the Rest of the Outrage?”  While Mr. Kretz says he was outraged by George Floyd’s wrongful murder, he then says that “many good people have died at the hands of violent protesters” and mentions Dave Patrick Underwood, a Black law enforcement […]

Views from the Valley » Susan BOLAN

United We Stand?   Do you remember the feeling you get during a fireworks show, that surge of excitement when the crowd emits a collective gasp as the sky lights up and the booms reverberate? At that moment, do you feel a sense of pride in your community and for your country? I sure do. […]

Weather in the Foothills

“Around us, life bursts with miracles – a glass of water, a ray of sunshine, a leaf, a caterpillar, a flower, laughter, raindrops.” ~ Thich Nhat Hanh About now many of us are looking for a miracle; instead, look for the expected. Current-day circumstances have kept us closer to home. As days turned to months, […]

Treasures of the Valley » Mike Lawler

The Big Wildfire of 1908 – Part 1   In the Crescenta Valley, we’re accustomed to the idea of fire in the mountains around us. But few of us can conceive of wildfire sweeping across the valley floor. Yet, that’s exactly what the Crescenta Valley faced in the late summer of 1908. The Reverend J. […]

Black Lives Matter

News from Washington  » Rep. Adam SCHIFF   Our fellow Americans cannot breathe. Protestors are taking to the streets in Glendale, Los Angeles and cities across America to demand justice and demand that the dignity and humanity of Black Americans be recognized. These protests are born out of real pain – pain that we as […]