Idea Seems Off-Balance I read with interest Charly Shelton’s article “Al Fresco Dining Coming to Montrose” in the June 4 issue.  I think this is a perfect opportunity to close off Honolulu between Verdugo and Las Palmas or another street. This does not have to be permanent, only until we can all gather indoors again. […]

Celebrating Pride in her Family

OP ED  » Mary O’KEEFE This year is the 50th anniversary of annual LGBTQ+ Pride traditions. The first Pride march in New York City was held on June 28, 1970, which was the one-year anniversary of the Stonewall uprising. The uprising was a six-day protest event that began with a raid on a place called […]

Treasures of the Valley » Mike Lawler

Back-to-back Wildfires – 1907 and 1908   Our valley has always been beset by wildfires. Before the land was covered with streets and buildings it was covered in sagebrush, which naturally burns with regularity. Before the valley was built-out as it is today, fires would sweep across the valley. Isolated houses and ranches were defended […]

News from Sacramento » Laura FRIEDMAN

Our state has a reputation. As the “Golden State,” California is known for its sunny weather, beaches, deserts, forests, mountains and abundant natural resources. However, that same diverse climate and rugged beauty also has a tendency to turn on us. All California residents must live with the question of when, not if, the next natural […]


A Reminder: Life Matters Life matters; be busy about making it count: learning so you can discover possibilities, sowing so you can reap, seeking those who will uplift you, helping those in need, doing unto others as you would have them do to you, and respecting authority so community can be built up in peace. […]

Treasures of the Valley » Mike Lawler

Montrose Bowl’s More Recent History   Recounting the history of the opening of the Montrose Bowl has been really fun! I was contacted by the current owner of the Montrose Bowl, Bob Berger. Bob gave me his family’s history at the bowling alley, along with some great news: They’re beginning to reopen! Bob writes: “I […]

News from the CVTC » Harry Leon

The Crescenta Valley Town Council fully condemns and promotes a zero tolerance policy on racism, injustice and violence of any kind toward anyone in our community. Total respect and value for human life, as well as the dignity of every individual, must be at the forefront of our principles and conduct as citizens of a […]


Honoring Flag Day, Flag Week and the U.S. Army As we enter the month of June, I would like to remind our community of several days this month when we should display our national flag. June 14 is Flag Day and it is also the anniversary of the founding of the United States Army. Additionally, […]

Treasures of the Valley » Mike Lawler

Montrose Bowl – ‘Bowl For Beauty’s Sake’   There was a lot of hype and hucksterism around the opening of the Montrose Bowl in 1940. Our local paper, The Ledger, dedicated an entire issue to its opening exactly 80 years ago. Many of the ads and articles are fascinating as time capsules of a different […]


Protests vs. Violence Protesting is fine but violent protesting over George Floyd is nonsensical and reprehensible. Did Target or any other store have anything to do with George’s death? Yes, the murder of George Floyd was wrong. But so is looting and fire bombing innocent businesses. Media and all politicians should loudly denounce the violence, […]