Treasures of the Valley » Mike Lawler

How the ’33 Long Beach Quake Affected CV   By the 1930s the Los Angeles area had experienced two unusual phenomenon – a very long stretch of time without significant seismic activity (1857 had been the last big quake), and an unprecedented building boom with construction techniques brought from the eastern U.S. That combination spelled […]

NEWS From Sacramento» Laura FRIEDMAN

Are We Prepared?   Last Friday, July 12, I had the honor of delivering a keynote address to leaders from over 30 cities from throughout Southern California. I took the opportunity to discuss a topic that I consider among the most pressing for many communities throughout our state – what to do in the face […]

Letters to the Editor

More Earthquake Preparedness Suggestions Thank you for a very informative article [“Getting ready for the Big One: Earthquake Preparedness,” July 11]. Everyone should be prepared for the eventual earthquake that will hit us.  Along with the food, water and other items in the article, cash in small bills should be hidden somewhere in the emergency […]

Treasures of the Valley » Mike Lawler

Going to the Movies   For residents of CV from 1924 to 1987, going to the movies meant a trip down to Honolulu Avenue to the Montrose Theater. According to history, the building of the theater in 1924 was a community project with several Montrose businessmen pooling their money to create a draw for the […]

NEWS From The CV Town Council» Harry LEON

Fireworks, Earthquakes and a Fond Farewell   I hope you all had a fun and festive Fourth of July with your family and friends. We celebrated the Independence Day of our nation at Crescenta Valley High School with a full display of fireworks, music, dancing and games for the kids with several food trucks. More […]


Improving CSD Regarding: LA County Notice of Public Hearing, Project No. 2018-000331-(5), Rc’d 26 Jun 2019: The work put into creating a single Regional Community Standards District (CSD) for the full length of Foothill Boulevard between Briggs and Pennsylvania avenues is fantastic. I applaud those who have worked on this effort. However, the proposed modifications […]

VIEWS From The Valley » Susan BOLAN

Be The Change   I come from a long line of strong women including my maternal grandmother who worked as a “Rosie the Riveter” during WWII and my mother who was a “women’s libber” back in the day. My mom did it all; she worked, she volunteered and she cared for us, which wasn’t always […]

Treasures of the Valley » Mike Lawler

Marilyn Monroe in Tujunga?   The famous movie star Marilyn Monroe was an LA girl. She grew up in LA and came to fame here as well. Locally, we know that her mother was a resident of Rockhaven Sanitarium, although it’s unlikely that Monroe ever visited her there. But I just became aware of two […]

Treasures of the Valley » Mike Lawler

Duck and Cover – The 1955 A-bomb Drill   For a scant four years after WWII, the U.S. was the only nation with “the bomb.” That all changed in 1949 when the Soviet Union detonated its first nuclear device. We were shocked that they had caught up with us so quickly, and we raced ahead […]


Confronting the Threat of Deepfake Disinformation – in 2020 and Beyond   For as long as recorded media has existed – whether print, photographs, or videos ¬¬– people have figured out ways to manipulate content to change its meaning. Sometimes changes are made for reasons that are perfectly benign: an artist modifying photos of public […]