Letters to the Editor

How California Rates Compared to Other U.S.  States (1=Best and 50=Worst) Health Care = 11; Education = 26; Economy = 4; Opportunity = 46         Infrastructure = 38; Crime & Corrections = 17; Fiscal Stability = 43 Quality of Life = 50; Economic Freedom = 48; Fiscal Rating = 42; Business Tax […]


The events of spring should be filled with one’s hope and aspirations. Newness and rebirth should be “in the air.” For many Californians this is the case. However, for Armenian-Americans in California, across the United States and around the world, spring brings us all to the day (April 24, 1915 to be exact) when the […]


April To Do List April is already upon us and the super bloom is resplendent (as are allergies). In March, Corresponding Secretary Sophal Ear and I attended a Glendale Unified School District board of education meeting in our capacities as members of the Citizens Bond Oversight Committee. We reported on the spending of bond monies […]

Treasures of the Valley » Mike Lawler

Montrose Search and Rescue – The Missing Fisherman Last year I wrote several thrilling stories from the Montrose Search and Rescue team, one of the premier SAR teams in the nation. I recently connected with Sue Lapham, who joined the team in 1981, one of the first women to do so. She has offered up […]

Treasures of the Valley » Mike Lawler

Frank Lanterman: From Scrooge to Father Christmas for the Mentally Handicapped   Frank Lanterman’s name is ubiquitous in our area. The Lantermans were the founders of La Cañada and Frank continued their legacy of community building. As such they left their name on a street, a historic home and museum, and a popular auditorium. Even […]

Views From The Valley » Susan BOLAN

What’s Your Jurisdiction?   I consider myself to be a stakeholder of the entire Crescenta Valley. I grew up and lived in Sunland-Tujunga for 36 years. I married, had children and we moved to La Crescenta 22 years ago. I worked in La Cañada Flintridge for seven years. I shop, eat and drive in all […]


Prefers the Mainstream and Science-Backed Mr. Kretz castigates Representative Adam Schiff’s defense of vaccines [Letters to the Editor, March 28]. Kretz’s extensive quoting of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons sounds mainstream and science-backed. But, if you do a little research, you find that AAPS is an ultra-conservative group that holds unorthodox scientifically discredited […]

Treasures of the Valley » Mike Lawler

The Fate of the Green Scarf Bandit The last two weeks we’ve been following the crime spree of the Green Scarf Bandit, so-named because of the green scarf he wore over his face. He had been following a pattern of kidnapping grocery store managers from their homes at night and forcing them to open the […]


How the ‘For the People’ Act Can Help Restore Faith in Our Democracy   Many Americans believe our political system is in a state of disrepair – broken, partisan, or worse, corrupt. And it’s not hard to see why. America’s democracy is awash in dark money, straightjacketed by gerrymandered districts and plagued by voter suppression. […]


Challenges Schiff Vaccine Statement In a recent newsletter from Adam Schiff, “Rep. Schiff has called on Facebook, Google and Amazon to address a threat to the public health caused by the proliferation of misinformation about vaccines.” He also said, “The scientific and medical communities are in overwhelming consensus that vaccines are both effective and safe. […]