Connections to the Past – Part 2, Olancha My family has always enjoyed spending time in the eastern Sierra Mountains. I remember many summers as a kid, camping at Rock Creek Lake and visiting the cabin that my great-grandfather built in Swall Meadows, just south of Tom’s Place. When I met my husband Jeff, then […]
Urges Voters to Get Out and Vote I applaud the recent [letter] “Bad Behavior Should be Held Accountable” [Viewpoints, Letters to the Editor, Oct. 18]. It is time to call out the bad fascist behavior and restore tolerance, respect and sanity to politics. Politicians who resort to unethical means to get elected should be voted […]
Time for Giving Thanks Hello, CV Weekly Readers! Before we talk about new and exciting upcoming events, we need to back up to this past weekend. The CV Chamber held our Annual 5K Fun Run on Saturday, Oct. 27. It was our first year of “Running Under the Oaks” at CV Park and it […]
CV’s First Inhabitants – Conflicts With Mission San Gabriel As I had said in previous columns, the Tongva people, although friendly and generous, could also be fierce and deadly warriors. So why were they so easily dominated by the handful of Spanish that came north? Germs and steel. Like native peoples all across the […]
Supports Measure W Los Angeles County has had a water problem for over a century. Each year there may be too much or not enough rainwater, and an uneven distribution throughout our neighborhoods due to mountains, valleys, etc. We need a consistent, affordable supply of clean and safe water to allow our communities to thrive. […]
By Adam SCHIFF In two weeks, we will vote in the most consequential midterm election in memory, and the American people have an opportunity to decide who will represent them in Washington – each and every seat in the House of Representatives and one third of the seats in the Senate are on the ballot. […]
CV’s First Inhabitants – First Contact The village of Wiqangna in the Crescenta Valley would not have been in the path of the first Spanish explorers to venture north into the Los Angeles area. However, they would have been touched hard by the successive waves of disease that followed them. Smallpox, measles and influenza […]
Bad Behavior Should be Held Accountable Not all democrats behave badly but the recent behavior of certain democrats regarding Judge Kavanaugh is disgusting and a terrible example for our children. In the definition of fascism, it points out that fascists crush opposition with threats, intolerance, bullying and violence. Ergo, these certain democrats are demonstrating fascist […]
Getting the Work Done Together in Sacramento Through my discussions with people and what I read in the news, it seems to me that when many people think of the legislature, partisanship is often the first thing that comes to mind. The image of those tense debates between opposing parties that verbally duke it out […]
Offers Thoughts on November Prop Proposition 6 – Repeal of the Road Repair and Accountability Act. This measure added 12 cents a gallon additional to the gas tax. We Californians are now paying a gas tax of 76.7 cents per gallon (federal 18.4 cents and state 58.3 cents). Any tax increase not only costs us […]