Treasures of the Valley » Mike Lawler

The Verdugo/San Rafael Fires of 1964 – Part 2   Last week we covered the beginnings of this disastrous fire in March 1964. The double fire, burning on both the Verdugo Mountains and the San Rafael Hills simultaneously, was blown across the landscape by winds gusting near 100 miles per hour. It charred thousands of […]


Crescenta Valley Fireworks Show The July 12th edition of the CV Weekly had a wonderful article by Charly Shelton extolling this year’s fireworks show at CV High School. It was indeed spectacular! And for those of you in the community who chose to watch it from your backyards or along Foothill Boulevard, you unfortunately missed […]

News From Sacramento » Laura FRIEDMAN

Update from Sacramento   Over a year ago, when I was just a few months into my first term as an Assemblymember, I was tapped by leadership to chair a subcommittee of the Assembly Rules Committee that would perform what we thought would be a routine review of the Assembly’s policies and procedures on harassment […]

Treasures of the Valley » Mike Lawler

The Verdugo/San Rafael Fires of 1964 – Part 1   The fires that swept the Verdugo Mountains and San Rafael Hills in March 1964 were some of the worst in our history. The two separate fires were high-wind fires, blown forward at lightning speed, unstoppable as they raged. The fires moved so fast that the […]

News From ThE CVTC » Harry Leon

Stay Cool This July   July has re-acquainted us with the extreme temperatures of our area that we were spared from in June. As Supervisor Kathryn Barger implored our community, we have to “beat the heat” as temperatures soared across LA County: “To keep yourself cool, visit one of our cooling centers at local libraries […]


There is a Choice It befuddles me how South Pasadena citizens were able to stop the 710 Freeway from going through their community. They claim historical exemption, which is unfounded. Many communities in Los Angeles County claimed historical sites when the freeways were constructed. The 710 completion through South Pasadena was part of the freeway […]

Treasures of the Valley » Mike Lawler

Our Local Bats   This is the time of year that it’s easy to spot bats flying in the evening sky. After the sun goes down, but before it’s full dark, fast black blurs can be made out against the sky, darting quickly this way and that as they grab flying insects in mid-air. They […]


Not Enthralled with ‘Progress’ As the residents of La Crescenta and surrounding areas try to conserve or precious water, the construction of gigantic multi-unit apartments/condos continues. It seems futile for the longtime residents to conserve when we look around and see development of these monstrosities going up everywhere. These are 30-50 unit buildings housing two […]

News From The Neighborhood » Susan BOLAN

It Ain’t Over ’Til …   Did you think the SR 710 North tunnel project was dead? Think again. Beginning as early as the 1940s, the dispute over the proposed extension of the 710 freeway is one of the longest running transportation battles ever. And it’s not over yet. The decision by the Metro board […]

News From Washington » Adam SCHIFF

The True Opportunity of Space Exploration   When the Opportunity rover first landed on Mars in 2004 it was slated for a 90-day exploration mission to examine whether the surface rocks and soil held clues to the past presence of water and the building blocks of life. And while we hoped that the rover would […]