Treasures of the Valley » Mike Lawler

The Montrose Vietnam War Memorial   For 50 years now, a solitary volunteer has each day carefully swept the ground around the Vietnam War Memorial, tended the flowers planted there, and taken care of the American flag that flies over the northwest corner of Honolulu Avenue and Ocean View Boulevard in the Montrose Shopping Park. […]


Applauds Schiff Congressman Adam Schiff is thorough and thoughtful in identifying the risks and offering guidance for President Trump’s meeting with Kim Jong-Un to discuss North Korea’s denuclearization (“A High Stakes Gamble by the President on North Korea,” March 22). Mr. Trump, already counterproductively impulsive and bellicose (Rep. Schiff’s words), has now made his inner […]

NEWS FROM Washington » Adam Schiff

A High Stakes Gamble by the President on North Korea It may have left the front pages for the moment, but the most consequential event of President Trump’s term of office could come within the next few months: a meeting between Trump and North Korean dictator Kim Jong-Un to discuss the denuclearization of North Korea. […]

Treasures of the Valley » Mike Lawler

The ’34 Flood – An 11-year-old Girl Saves Her Family   The recent rain should remind us that, just like Montecito, death and destruction visited our valley, but that was back in 1934. Many stories came out of that disaster. In honor of Women’s History Month, let’s look back at one the most amazing stories […]

NEWS FROM Sacramento » Laura Friedman

Addressing Our Rising Crime When polled, there is one single issue that the public, across demographic, economic and geographic lines, consistently ranks as its top concern – and that is public safety. For this reason, community safety is a top priority for me as an elected official. When it comes to crime, traffic and matters […]

Treasures of the Valley » Mike Lawler

Progress In Our Valley – 1925   Again, turning the pages of old newspapers, we find an article in July 1925, extoling the up-and-coming features of La Cañada, Flintridge, La Crescenta and Tujunga. (In parentheses, I’m noting what those features are today.) La Cañada. Things were happening on the eastern borders of La Cañada. Devil’s […]


Cheers for CVWD I would like to commend the CVWD for its recent letter (Letters to the Editor, March 8) to our elected officials in Sacramento opposing the proposed funding for the Safe and Affordable Drinking Water Fund SB 623. The majority of funding for this bill will be generated from a permanent assessment on […]


Safe and Affordable Drinking Water Act – Oppose Dear Assemblymember Ting and Senator Mitchell, The Foothill Family of Water Agencies submits this letter to convey our opposition to the Brown Administration’s budget trailer bill to implement the Safe and Affordable Drinking Water Act. The Foothill Family of Water Agencies includes Foothill Municipal Water District, a […]


A Busy February Gives Way to March It has been a very busy February by way of events and I am glad to be entering March (Madness). Here’s what the Crescenta Valley Town Council is up to in terms of service to the Crescenta Valley: Both Corresponding Secretary Sophal Ear and I were honored in […]

Treasures of the Valley » Mike Lawler

Chicken City – La Crescenta in the 1920s Los Angeles, and its suburb of La Crescenta, was booming in the 1920s. The population was doubling and tripling, and the orchards and ranches in all the suburbs were being divided up into city lots. La Crescenta was no exception, but chicken ranching locally was holding fast […]