Treasures of the Valley » Mike Lawler

Montrose Search and Rescue – Abandoned Mine Traps Both Explorer and Rescuer The abandoned mines that hThe abandoned mines that honeycomb our San Gabriel Mountains attract adventurers like moths to a flame. These ancient holes in the ground, often held up by rotting timbers over a century old, can be death traps for those with […]

NEWS FROM CVWD » Thomas love

Crescenta Valley Water District Refinances Bond Debt for Long Term Savings It is the mission of the Crescenta Valley Water District (District) to provide quality water and wastewater services to the Crescenta Valley community in a dependable and economically responsible manner.    On Tuesday, Aug. 15, the District board of directors took another significant step […]

Treasures of the Valley » Mike Lawler

Montrose Search and Rescue – Saved From Death, Eternally Grateful One March evening in 2012, a late snowstorm had blanketed the San Gabriel Mountains. Tracy Granger, 56, was driving from Pasadena to her home in Palmdale, taking the Angeles Crest Highway. As she rounded a curve in the darkness, she hit a patch of ice, […]


Some Lessons from Charlottesville Every year, my son Eli and I set aside time in August for a father-son road trip. These trips have taken us up the Pacific Coast Highway, through our national parks, some times in a car or an RV, and other times on Amtrak sleeper trains through the northwest. This year, […]

Treasures of the Valley » Mike Lawler

1924 Was a Great Year for the Crescenta Valley Local historians have an amusing saying about dating structures in CV: “If you don’t know the real date of when something was built, just say it was built in the early ’20s. Chances are, you’ll be right.” For it’s true – the early ’20s were boom […]


Let’s Talk Pot Last November, California voters passed Proposition 64 (Marijuana Legalization) and, in the months that followed, counties and municipalities have been scrambling to decide how to best implement the new law into their communities. As with many of our laws, the concerns and perspectives on legalization of recreational marijuana vary greatly from community […]


Appreciates the Digitizing Project The Historical Society of the Crescenta Valley wishes to thank both the Los Angeles County Library and the Friends of the La Crescenta Library for doing the heavy lifting on digitizing the old Crescenta Valley Ledger newspaper. In particular, we want to thank our branch librarian Marta Wiggins, Friends President Elaine […]


Glendale College, Lighting Survey Results Among Topics at Next CVTC Meeting I hope that everyone so far has had a wonderful and pleasant summer. The start of a new year in our La Crescenta schools is around the corner. Thanks to parents’ efforts to save summer, the school year is starting later this year than […]

Treasures of the Valley » Mike Lawler

Montrose Search and Rescue – Injured Man Found Via Cellphone App and Facebook Continuing with the “cellphone rescues” theme I’ve been writing about lately, we get another good story from the Montrose Search and Rescue’s technical expert Steve Goldsworthy. Steve in my last column related that today, Montrose Search and Rescue uses every available technology […]

Treasures of the Valley » Mike Lawler

Montrose Search and Rescue – Modern Cellphone Rescues   Last week I told the story of one of the first cellphone calls for help by a lost hiker – circa 1991. I checked in with current MSAR member Steve Goldsworthy to find out the state of rescue technology in the field of cellphones. Steve is […]