Chanukah Festival Attracts Hundreds to Memorial Park

Former California State Senator Anthony Portantino, left, joins Chabad Rabbi Mendy Grossbaum at the Chanukah Festival in Memorial Park.
Photo by Ruth SOWBY


The Chabad of La Cañada-La Crescenta celebrated the fifth day of the Jewish holiday on Dec. 29 by hosting The Chanukah Festival 2024. The free Festival featured Chanukah crafts, a petting zoo, jelly donuts, latkes (potato pancakes), chocolate gelt and a bouncy house. Memorial Park in La Cañada Flintridge was the site of the festivities.    

A photo booth was standing room only. Glendale resident Marsha Green posed for a photo with her grandchildren, also Glendale residents. Rochelle Campomanes also visited the photo booth. She came to the Festival to learn more about the Jewish culture. Also spotted among Festival attendees was former California State Senator Anthony Portantino.

Grandmother Marsha Green poses for a photo with her daughter Samantha Dvora (left) and grandchildren Hunter Green, 14, and Savannah Dvora, 11.

 The highlight of the Festival was the lighting of a giant menorah at sundown. Chabad’s Rabbi Mendy Grossbaum did the honors. He climbed on a ladder to light each branch of the menorah. According to Jewish tradition, after the Maccabees’ victory over the Greeks, there was only enough oil to burn for one day in the Temple. Miraculously, the oil burned for eight days.  

“Lighting the Chanukah menorah commemorates this miracle,” said Rabbi Grossbaum.  

  The evening ended with a performance by ventriloquist Chuck Field.