Walkers – and Sippers – Take Part in Wine Walk

The ladies of Casa Cordoba were outside of the restaurant, ready to give ticket holders a taste of Spain.
Photo by Rachelle MILLER


The seventh annual Spring Wine Walk was held on March 15 replacing for many the warning to beware of the ides of March and instead toast it!

The Wine Walk is an opportunity to not only taste delicious wine but to learn about the many shops the Montrose Shopping Park hosts. 

The Wine Walks (one typically held in spring and another in winter) are hosted by the Montrose Shopping Park Assn. (MSPA) and this year more than 35 shops participated in the walk. According to Dale Dawson, MSPA business administrator/events coordinator, not only were there more shops participating but some new places were on the Wine Walk “menu.”

“Newbies SoniaZ Boutiques, Current Season, Tutti Frutti, Lost Books and El Charro took part in this season’s Wine Walk,” said Dawson.

Dawson added that over 500 tickets were sold plus an additional 20 VIP walkers were scene on the avenue.

Members of the La Crescenta Woman’s Club were on hand to welcome guests and hand out “goodie bags.”
Photo submitted by Cindy CHARLES

Members of the La Crescenta Woman’s Club (LCWC) were on hand to prepare for the walk by washing wine glasses and preparing the “goodie bags” that were distributed to walkers. At the Wine Walk, the LCWC had a booth where ticket holders could check in, get their goodie bag, which included tickets for “tastes” at various shops and a map of participating shops, a wine glass and the all-important wristband that proved the taster was over 21 years old. 

“Eleven members manned the booth,” said Cindy Charles of the La Crescenta Woman’s Club. “We all had a fun time supporting the event!”

The MSPA also shared a percentage of earnings from the Wine Walk with the LCWC.

Comfortable temperatures added to a pleasant evening.

“The break in the week-long cold and rainy weather was a God-send!,” said Dawson. “Everyone – merchants and wine walkers alike – were happy and enjoyed themselves.” 

From left Mishael Hausner, Zach Rodriguez and Heather Anderson walked the avenue while tasting some wine. Photo by Rachelle MILLER
From left are Colin Sherlock, Rachel Boyd, Colene Zaro, Candace Phipps, Lisa Stanners and kneeling down is the back of the head of Charlotte Zaro. Photo by Rachelle MILLER