Pancake Fundraiser Raises Money for Sunland-Tujunga Youth Camp

Serving breakfast are, from left, Ben Love, 16; Body Dinnendahl, 16; and missionary Elder Kai Nagahama, 21, from Japan.
Photos by Ruth SOWBY

The Sunland-Tujunga Youth Camp fundraiser was a sellout at the first event since COVID. Held in the cultural hall of the Sunland-Tujunga ward of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Sunland, close to 200 church-goers and friends enjoyed breakfast. On an early June morning, chocolate pancakes and sausages fit the bill for supporters who wanted to help church teenagers go to camp in San Diego.  

On his way to Youth Camp, Thomas Thatcher holds an AMC Movie Basket that went for $90 in the live auction at the pancake fundraiser in Sunland.

The kids helped set tables, chairs and buffet table. They cooked and served the breakfast. They toted live auction items to each winner. A favorite basket had a movie theme composed of a $50 AMC gift certificate and candy. It sold for $90. 

A pancake fundraiser in Sunland provides money for church teenagers to go to Youth Camp. The fundraiser was sponsored by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Sunland-Tujunga congregations.

Two homemade banana cream pies raised $155. A Darth Vader helmet brought in $105. Star Wars fan “RD” Coronado won the helmet. He plans to give it to his son rather than wear it himself.  

Two of Neddy Wilson’s homemade banana cream cakes raised $155 for Youth Camp at the church pancake breakfast in Sunland. She is joined by husband Richard Wilson.


Who is that masked man? “RD” Coronado and wife Lisa Coronado enjoy their win at the pancake breakfast live auction – a Darth Vader mask for which they spent $105. The money will help send church youth to Youth Camp in San Diego.

A little over $1,000 was raised from the live auction. About $100 was added to fundraising coffers from a silent auction of pies, cakes and cookies.   

Sunland Ward Bishop Darren Whitcomb estimated that the morning’s proceeds will be about $3,000 based on past fundraisers.