Popular Pioneer Picnic Held in Sunland

Japan missionary Elder Kai Nagahama and his missionary companion Elder Sade Hawker, on right, cook up J. Dawgs-style hot dogs at the Pioneer Picnic in Sunland on Saturday.
Photos by Ruth SOWBY


More than 100 community folk enjoyed hot dogs, root beer floats and each other on the Sunland field on Hillrose Street to celebrate Pioneer Day. The Pioneer picnic was held on Saturday evening, July 20, commemorating July 24, 1847 when thousands of pioneers crossed the plains with their wagons to reach Utah and other Western states. Today, 187 years later, members of the Church of Latter-day Saints from the Sunland congregation and their neighbors gathered to celebrate the historic occasion.

Make-your-own root beer floats were a hit at the Sunland building of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Mormons from 1847 would never have limbo-ed under a horizontal pole. But that was the favorite activity of the girls. Boys took over the field with softball. Their parents snacked and visited.  

According to member Mike Thatcher, “We are stronger coming together with the community.”  

 All were invited to the free event. 

From left, La Crescenta residents Millie Oka, 8, and Ivy Jameson, 7, limbo at the Pioneer Picnic in the Sunland building field.
La Crescenta residents Annalise Lucas, left, and Leticia Strong enjoy their chat, hot dogs and salads at the Pioneer Picnic of the Sunland congregation of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.