The Mix Property Project Moves Forward


The City of Glendale Planning Commission will be holding a public hearing concerning the properties at 2635 Sycamore Ave. and 2608-2612 Honolulu Avenue, the former location of The Mix bar. Residents near the area were sent a notice of the Nov. 7 meeting. It may have confused some because this project was approved two years ago.

The meeting, according to City principal planner Kristen Asp, is to determine whether the proposed units will be ownership condos or apartments, and is simply part of the planning process.

The Glendale City Council approved the proposal on a Precise Plan Design in August 2016. The proposal submitted by developer Art Simonian and Metro Investments included four lots and will feature the construction of a two-story, 28-multi-unit development with subterranean parking. At the time the project was presented to the Council it was stated the units would be condos, not apartments. According to Asp, this meeting is to determine that designation as the development works through the process.

Since the project had already been approved it cannot be significantly changed without going through the approval process.

“The Planning Commission, based on the notice, will review the tract map of the approved PPD, a step in the process,” according to Grant Michals, president of the Montrose/Verdugo City/Sparr Heights Neighborhood Association. “Design approvals are valid for two years to allow development of complete architectural plans and have Building & Safety, Engineering and other departments approve the final building permits. The PPD was approved August 2016. A one-year extension was approved in August of this year. The project is actively going through the process. The Planning Commission meeting is a required step for the final approval to build that would allow the condos to be sold individually.”

According to the notice, the meeting will be held on Nov. 7 at 5 p.m. at the Planning Commission in room 105 of the Municipal Services Building, 633 E. Broadway in Glendale.

“Any person having any interest in any property affected by the proposed subdivision may appear at the above hearing either in person or by counsel or both and may be heard in support of his/her opinion. Any person protesting may file a duly signed and acknowledged written protest with the director of Community Development Dept. not later than the hour set for public hearing before the Planning Commission. ‘Acknowledged’ shall mean a declaration of property ownership (or occupant if not owner) under penalty of perjury. If you challenge the decision of this project in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing described in this notice, or in written correspondence delivered to the City of Glendale, at or prior to the public hearing,” stated the notice.