Award-winning cinematographer/writer/editor/director Rick Ray will present an exciting travel adventure “The Soul of India” on Saturday evening, Feb. 26 in a Kiwanis Club of La Cañada Travel Adventure to be presented at Flintridge Prep Auditorium. Ray has traveled the world to capture images of its peoples and cultures.
In this Kiwanis program attendees will learn how political events have shaped the landscape and how the influence of the British Empire brought ideas and concepts still deeply rooted in the Indian psyche today. Concepts will be explored such as the caste system, democracy, marriage, privacy, life and death and how they differ from Western preconceptions.
Kiwanis has sponsored these adventures for the past 50 years for the enjoyment of the La Cañada Flintridge and nearby communities. Season tickets are $40, but individual performances are $8 a person. Shows begin at 7:30 p.m. with pre-show entertainment at 7:10 p.m. This year the travel adventure performances consist of six programs which will include trips to “Japanland” in March, Portugal and the Durto Valley in April, “An Italian Lakes Adventure” in May, and “An East African Safari” in June.
For further information or to order tickets visit www.lacanadakiwanis.org, or call (818) 790-9901 or send a check to Kiwanis Club of La Cañada, P.O. Box 33, La Cañada Flintridge, CA 91012. Major credit cards are accepted.