Jazz Vespers at LCPC

La Cañada Presbyterian Church will have a Lenten-themed Jazz Vespers on Sunday, March 30 at 5 p.m. presented both live in-person and live-streamed online.  

This session features the Jack Lantz Sextet (Jeff Kaye, trumpet, Jim Youngstrom, saxophones, and Ido Meshulam, trombone, plus Zac Matthews, bass and Dave Marks, drums, with Jack on piano) improvising on a wide range of familiar hymns and spirituals. Everyone will recognize every song and enjoy following how the jazz musicians embroider the musical tapestry. The liturgy for this Jazz Vespers walks in the steps of Jesus through the events of Holy Week leading up to his Easter resurrection.  

No charge (free will offering received) and no reservations required for this hour-long event, held in the church’s sanctuary. It will be a time for exuberant celebration of joy, energy, meditation and liberation, as we take an hour to look forward to Easter.

Those who cannot attend in-person can follow this link to watch: live.lacanadapc.org.

Jazz Vespers will also be live-streamed via the church’s pages on YouTube and Facebook.

La Cañada Presbyterian Church is located at 626 Foothill Blvd. Worship services are conducted in-person and are streamed on Sunday mornings at 9 a.m. (traditional style) and 10:30 a.m. (contemporary style).