Ren Faire Comes to Irwindale


To all ye knights and squires, ye fey folk and sprites, ye merchants and travelers. Hail and well met! If ye seek a place where the vaguely-medieval/fantasy theme is rampant amongst all who pass hither, search thou no further than the Renaissance Faire.

The Santa Fe Dam Recreation Center in Irwindale is annually transformed into a portal to the world of the past and fantasy. Here elves and tree sprites mingle among the shoppers in the marketplace, which sells all manner of goodly wares that the traveler may need – swords, bows and arrows, teas and spices, medieval garments, magic wands and the like – to any who wish to live in this world for a day. Passing parades of the queen and her court entertain throughout the day as well as jesters and minstrel troupes performing on stages scattered throughout the kingdom. And for those seeking further adventure, RenQuest offers a side mission to complete throughout the Faire – help Captain Grace O’Maille to reclaim her lost crew and defeat the opposing captain to reclaim her rightful place as the pirate queen.

Whatever your passion, the Ren Faire welcomes all to revel in the fantasy realm for a day. The Faire is on now, weekends through May 19. For tickets and more information, send a raven to Durnan at the Yawning Portal Inn in Waterdeep. Or visit

Tree sprites can be found at the Ren Faire
Ticket booth