Art Talks at Brand Return This Fall

Amie Sillah, I Hope To See You One Day (six), 40 x 40 inches, archival inkjet print.

Brand Library & Art Center announced its fall Art Talks at Brand, formerly titled Art Talk Tuesday. Art Talks at Brand invites contemporary artists to discuss their work and the issues surrounding it, followed by a moderated Q&A with Brand staff member, artist and writer Jennifer Remenchik. The fall series will feature Los Angeles-based artists Kira Shewfelt, Amie Sillah, Edgar Bryan, and Carrie Cook. The series is sponsored by the Brand Associates, is free and open to the public.

On Thursday, Oct. 3 at 7 p.m. Visual artist Amie Sillah is featured. She was born in the Bronx, New York, now living and working in Los Angeles. Sillah’s practice is lens-based and includes sculpture, performance and video work. Her work centers on her family’s lived experiences immigrating from The Gambia to New York, and her relationship with photography as a medium to explore the complexities and diversities of Black diasporic life. Currently, in her practice Sillah centers on topics of memory, performance and erasure as an act of care. Sillah has presented her work at the Bowdoin College Museum of Art and has shown at thematic group exhibitions at the New Wight Gallery (2024), Black Box Gallery (2023), and the Black Image Center (2023).

Brand Library & Art Center is located at 1601 W. Mountain St. in Glendale.