CV High School to Perform at St. George’s


The hills of the Crescenta Valley will come alive – with music from the CV High School orchestra. The orchestra is performing at St. George’s Episcopal Church on Wednesday at 7 p.m.

This marks the first time that the school will be performing at the church and, as an added twist, the students will be grouped together in small ensembles.

“It’s smaller, more intimate and has better acoustics,” said Mathew Schick, the instrumental music director for CVHS.

The orchestra will be breaking into 24 different student groups to better utilize the smaller space of St. George’s. The orchestra will also be playing a variety of music from jazz to pop.

St. George’s partners with the Daniel Chaney Memorial Fund, a program that works to provide more music at St. George’s as well as to offer “support and encouragement for budding young musicians.”

Refreshments will be provided after the show, so stomachs as well as ears will have a good time.

“Our hope is to fill St. George’s and share our music with the community,” said Schick.

St. George’s is located at 808 Foothill Blvd., La Cañada. Admission is $5 at the door.