The LCPC Parent Education program is offering a free community presentation on Tuesday, Jan. 25 at 7 p.m. Dr. Robert Reiher will be sharing his insight on how families and children are being affected by a digitally driven world. Information will be presented on how technology affects minds and practical advice will be given on how to help families manage technology successfully – even in a more frantic future.
Dr. Reiher is a renowned educational psychologist and international speaker who has consulted for over 50 companies. He is the author of “What Kids Buy and Why and Kidnapped – How Irresponsible Marketers Are Stealing the Minds of Our Children.”
This event is being held in the LCPC Demarest Family Fellowship Hall and is free to the community. Child care is available to those that RSVP for $5 per family. Please call Sandy Ravana at (818) 790-6708 x 205.
Additionally, Parent Education is holding new night classes and Saturday classes specifically tailored for busy parents. Every Tuesday in February topics will be on discipline, organization, creating healthy family bonds and answering questions. The cost is $25 for the series ($40/couple) and child care is provided.
La Cañada Presbyterian Church is located at 626 Foothill Blvd. in
La Cañada Flintridge.