SAT Seminars
Assistance League of Glendale is offering SAT seminars to students attending public and private high schools in Glendale and the surrounding communities. The seminars are from 7 p.m. until 9 p.m. on Mondays and Wednesdays from Feb. 8 through March 2 and on Tuesdays and Thursdays from Feb. 9 to March 3.

Last year nearly 100 students took advantage of these seminars, which are held at 314 E. Harvard Street in Glendale. Teachers are currently teaching at local high schools and are highly qualified.

They are held at Assistance League Glendale at 314 E Harvard St. The cost is $60 that includes eight meetings (two hours each), a book and Kaplan SAT.

Register online at Registration forms will also be available from high school counselors or from Thrift Alley at 314-A E. Harvard. It is open 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., Wednesday through Saturday.

Cash for College Workshop
There will be a Cash For College workshop on Saturday, Jan. 30, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Creveling lounge at Pasadena City College. The workshop is intended to help high school students apply for financial aid by providing free one-on-one financial aid assistance to families completing their Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), Cal Grant GPA verification form and/or the California Dream Act Application (for eligible AB540 students). Please take the following financial documents with you:

1) The student and his/her parents’ federal income tax returns from 2015 (if filed).

2) The student and his/her parents’ W-2 forms, pay check stubs, or any records of earned income

3) Current bank statements and records of stocks, bonds, or other investments.

For more information call (626) 585-7401 or visit

Seeking Honorary Service Awardees
The Crescenta Valley High School PTSA wants to acknowledge individuals and organizations for outstanding community service to schools and to students in the foothill community.

Honorary Service Awards will be awarded at PTSA sponsored meetings or at functions of allied groups as a way to thank those for their contributions to the CVHS community.

To learn more about the categories and for the nomination form email

Joanne Pingry at