Celebrating International Day of Acceptance

Kindergarten teacher, Cindi Gardner, showing her heart and acceptance.

Dunsmore Elementary School, with all schools across GUSD, celebrated International Day of Acceptance. The day is dedicated to recognizing and embracing people with disabilities and to honor the late Annie Hopkins, founder of 3E Love and creator of the International Symbol of Acceptance.

Support staff member Dafne Barragan shows her acceptance with a beautiful T-shirt.

Dunsmore’s student council distributed special buttons with the organization’s symbol to students and staff who wished to participate in the day of awareness. Students were also encouraged to bring a $1 donation to their classrooms to support programs for fellow students who attend Glendale’s College View Elementary School.

Provided by
Viehanoosh NAZARIAN

First grade student Rosie Hahn and her mother Jeanette show they’re all heart!
Student Council posters remind students of the International Day of Acceptance
More posters and reminders of love
International Day of Acceptance
Dunsmore’s lunch benches are ready to for the students to show they care