ALF Donates over $11,000 for Books to North Valley Military Institute

The Assistance League of Flintridge (ALF) has donated over $11,000 for books to the North Valley Military Institute. This donation is in keeping with ALF’s stated mission to transform the lives of children and adults through community programs. The donation was collectively made by ALF, its two auxiliaries Assisteens and CAPs, and individual members who wanted to make personal donations.

North Valley Military Institute (NVMI) received the donation and is currently categorizing and putting new books into its library system.

“Thank you so much for making this library possible for our students,” said Robert Wherley, reading specialist for NVMI, upon receiving the book donation. 

The North Valley Military Institute College Preparatory Academy is a grades six-12 public charter school in Sun Valley. NVMI utilizes the structure and discipline of a military model to provide an environment with predictable standards and high expectations, preparing students (cadets) as responsible citizens and lifelong learners.

As part of ALF’s designation of February as Literacy Month, the “Alfies in Action” committee researched organizations and schools that had literacy needs. This year, NVMI was selected to be the recipient of ALF’s donation. ALF voted to donate $3,000 worth of books to the school. The Assisteens, the high school student service group auxiliary of ALF, voted to donate $3,000 and the Cañada Association of Professionals (CAPs), an auxiliary group of ALF, voted to donate $3,000. The remainder came from individual members of ALF. ALF raises its philanthropic monies through sales at the Bargain Box thrift store.

“ALF is a fun and rewarding organization that truly does make a difference,” said Faye Pengra, an ALF member since 2018. 

ALF has various philanthropic programs that carry out ALF’s vision and mission. Other programs include the summer school program in La Cañada, the instrumental music program, and the drama program, each of which ALF coordinates and runs. ALF also has Operation School Bell, which provides school supplies and Chromebooks to La Cañada Unified School District children in need.  

Anyone interested in becoming a part of the ALF organization is invited to visit the ALF website at