On a recent cool San Francisco Saturday morning, Emma Price and Ardis Griffin of local Girl Scout Troop 6801 were two of 5,000 girls who began a journey across the Golden Gate Bridge. Starting as Junior level Girl Scouts, upon completing the walk they arrived at the opposite end as Cadette Girl Scouts.
While the most evident change in the girls was their uniform – from a green uniform at Junior level to the khaki of the Cadette – the walk was the end of a process that prepared them physically and mentally for their next step in Scouting.
Emma and Ardis met as Daisy Girl Scouts in kindergarten at Mountain Avenue Elementary School. They separated for a time, reconnecting in Troop 6801.
In preparation for their three mile walk over the Golden Gate Bridge, Emma and Ardis together made over 500 beaded, origami swan SWAPS to exchange with some of the other Girl Scouts taking part in the bridging ceremony – some girls coming from as far away as Alaska and Tennessee.
Despite the preparation, the girls were still surprised by the temperature – 48 degrees with a lot of wind – and the number of other fifth grade Girl Scouts taking part.
After crossing the bridge, the girls participated in a group picnic and boothing event, sponsored by Girl Scouts of Northern California.
Though tired by the experience, they maintained their excitement.
“We’re really tired,” they said. “But it was worth it!”
“It was a Girl Scout memory that will last a lifetime,” said Leader Adrienne Griffin.
Co-Leader Sandy Price agreed. “This was the most amazing, positive Girl Scout experience.”
Contributed by
Adrienne Griffin