Learning About the States is a ‘Capital’ Idea

Top three postcard collectors wre Adam Martin, Stepan Derian and  Alexander James.
Top three postcard collectors wre Adam Martin, Stepan Derian and Alexander James.

Lincoln Elementary fifth grade teachers Kristie Colegate and Youngmi Wathen wanted their students to learn the states and capitals in a fun way, so they had a friendly competition between their two classes. Each student was given a Travelog Journal that they mailed to a relative. When the relative received the journal, they were asked to complete one entry by writing about the city in which they lived then send a postcard from their city to Lincoln Elementary with facts about their state. Then the relative would send the Travelog Journal on to another friend in another state or country.

The postcards started to trickle in and when parents started posting requests to friends on social media, the postcards started flooding the Lincoln Elementary Office. Students enjoyed keeping track of which states their class received each day on a giant bulletin board. Colegate’s class was the first to receive all 50 states in four weeks. Her top three students who collected the most postcards were Adam Martin with 111, Stepan Derian with 68 and Alexander James with 50. Stepan was excited to receive the coveted West Virginia postcard, the last state needed for Colegate’s class to complete all 50 states.

Wathen’s top three postcard collectors were Justin Bolstad, Kyla Parracino and Jillian Roa. Her class excelled in collecting the most international postcards.

Contributed by Nicholas JAMES

Kristie Colegate’s class is shown displaying some of their postcards.
Kristie Colegate’s class is shown displaying some of their postcards.
Youngmi Wathen’s class collected postcards from all 50 states in just four weeks.
Youngmi Wathen’s class collected postcards from all 50 states in just four weeks.