Photos by Ruth SOWBY
Clark Magnet’s Class of 2023 is unique. Besides having the greatest number of graduates in the school’s history, the Class stands out in other ways as well. Almost 60% of the graduates have been enrolled in Glendale Unified School District schools from kindergarten through 12th grade. Class members have given 23,710 hours in time and talent to the school. There are six sets of twins. Valedictorian Nathan Scherrer has a grade point average of 4.89 and is a member of the National Honor Society. He will be the school’s last valedictorian; Clark will be doing away with that designation.
On Wednesday, June 7, all 277 graduates paraded into the Clark Magnet amphitheater in the late afternoon under cloudy skies. The two-hour program began with the presentation of colors by the school’s Air Force JROTC, the flag salute and introductions by Principal Brian Landisi. He announced that Clark is in the top 1.1 % of high schools in the nation.
The keynote speaker was attorney Irene Scholl-Tatevosyan of the Clark Class of 2006. She is a first generation American Armenian and graduated from UCLA and USC‘s law school.
“It’s okay to be lost scared, and unsure of the future,” said Scholl-Tatevosyan. “The definition of yourself will change.”
She even gave relationship advice.
“For your life partner, choose someone who will enhance you, not hinder you.”
The class gift was presented by Senior Class President Mayla Khachatourian. It will be a “facelift for the school,” she said. All the school’s murals will be refinished.
Accepting the Class of 2023 was Nayiri Nahabedian, president of the Glendale Unified Board of Education.
She said to the graduates, “Who you will be is what you will create … Not all of us will do great things.”
Quoting Mother Teresa, Nahabedian added, “Do small things with great love.”
Last week’s program continued with the conferment of diplomas by former Clark Principal Lena Kortosian. The program ended with the “moving of the tassel” by the graduates.