Lady Falcons hold fundraiser

By Hyung Seok LEE
CV Weekly Intern

With hopes of raising at least $1,000, the Lady Falcons Basketball Team of Crescenta Valley High School hosted a car wash on July 10. With temperatures climbing over 85 degrees, more than 40 team members pitched in to wash and dry cars. The Chevron gas station on the corner of La Crescenta and Honolulu avenues offered the team its facilities.
The car wash is an annual event that helps raise funds for the team to purchase new equipment, register for tournaments, and pay referees. Each car was charged $5 for an exterior wash. Along with the car wash, baked goods and car air fresheners were also sold. The event was organized by the booster club, but worked completely by the soph/frosh, junior and varsity team members.
“Wherever my daughter goes, I want to be there to show my support for her,” said carwash coordinator Diana Waterman.
The carwash was the first fundraising event of the new school year, and the team hopes to raise more money from an upcoming rummage sale and a sale of snacks in the school gym.
“The car wash is always fun and productive for the team. It’s for a good cause; that’s why it seems to always have a good turnout,” varsity captain Melanie Minas said.
Though it is the team’s summer break, it continues to train every day and play games against local schools.