Thoughts on Returning to School – Plus a Red Carpet Roll Out

Lori Bodnar has her arms full.

By Lori BODNAR, intern

Crescenta Valley High School students are enjoying their last few days of summer break since back to school time is right around the corner. The first day of school for Glendale Unified School District is Wednesday, Aug. 21 and the first day back for La Cañada Unified School District students is today, Aug. 15. While some kids long for a few more weeks of summer vacation to relax on the beach or head to amusement parks to ride roller coasters on National Roller Coaster Day (Aug. 16), other students are teeming with excitement for the upcoming school year. They look forward to seeing friends, meeting their teachers, learning new things and participating in team sports. Student athletes are ready to start practicing and playing for another season. Football, soccer and volleyball season is just beginning and friends and family are looking forward to celebrating at games and enjoying these amazing athletes, cheering pep squads, and listening to the incredible marching band play new songs.

CVHS students picked up their class schedules this week, learning what their new classes are, and getting their textbooks, student IDs, lockers, and locks. Seniors and juniors attended program pick up yesterday, Wednesday. Sophomore program pickup is today, and freshmen will have an opportunity to pick up their materials and attend a freshman orientation meeting on Friday from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Parents of freshmen have a separate orientation meeting from 8 a.m. to 9 a.m. on Friday in the CVHS gym. Counselors, Associated Student Body (ASB) members, and select junior and senior students, known as the “Link Crew,” will be present to help the freshmen and welcome them to CVHS on Orientation Day.

Christine Benitez, associate principal at CVHS, reminded students to practice mindfulness and to enjoy and live in the moment while staying focused on their goals and dreams for the future.

At CVHS program pick up students could learn about GCC dual enrollment.

“I went to a conference this summer and the theme was ‘Enjoy the Journey.’ I believe that students should enjoy their learning and their journey here at CVHS. I want the students to achieve their own goals this year, be they academic, personal or athletic,” Benitez said.

There are many extracurricular clubs, teams and activities at CVHS to be involved in, for students to enjoy their journey through high school, socialize with peers, have fun and live in the moment.

Teachers want their students to succeed and be open-minded in the classes they take.

English teacher Charlotte Greenway with her daughters and junior Lori Bodnar. Greenway just came from Rosemont Howdy Day, which was the same day as CVHS senior-junior program pick up.

“I would love my students to enjoy challenging themselves in English class and to learn how to enjoy being an English student so they can maximize their potential,” said Charlotte Greenway, an English teacher at CVHS.

She also talked about what inspired her to become an English teacher.

“I originally wanted to help the students in special needs and then I decided I wanted to become a teacher. I like helping students find a way and figure it out. It’s mind over matter. If you tell yourself you are not going to like the book it is harder to succeed and enjoy the book. Be open and try.”

Senior friends Emily Kang, Noel Lee, Grace Suh and Isiah Lee.

Many senior students are coming onto the campus already thinking about colleges and career paths, and making sure that they fulfill all their requirements in order to graduate this spring.

“I want to go to Glendale Community College and then transfer,” said Peter Babakhanian. “I want to be in the field of computer technology or engineering.”

Daryn Allen is also a senior this year.

“I want to be in the Navy,” Allen said. “I am looking forward to ceramics class and the football games for this school year.”

His friend Owen Allen added, “I want to join the Marines. I am looking forward to ceramics class as well, plus finishing high school this year.”

Seniors McKenna Heeg, Sara Chin and Ella Cristal are excited to be back at CVHS fir their senior year and give it “three thumbs up.”

Emily Kang was happy to only have five classes this year, with a free class period to study and complete homework. Noel Lee said this his goal was “to try to do everything that the school offers while I can, including football games and senior prom.”

Besides academics, there are also many sports, teams, performing groups and other opportunities available at CVHS. Isaiah Lee is the captain of the CVHS all-male dance team.

“I am excited that there are more boys in the team,” said Lee. “Our team is growing. We now have 12 people in our all-male dance team.”

Students rush back and forth during program pick up on Wednesday

Grace Suh is focused on the future.

“Within you is the immense potential to do anything,” Suh said. “I want to explore the field of marine biology.”

Other senior students are also making plans for their future paths beyond high school, such as attending college or moving into a career.

“I am going to go to a community college and then transfer,” Crystal Huddleston said. “I want to be in the medical field. I am looking forward to freedom and that I am going to be a senior.”

Juniors also have their eye on college and career prep, and many have been preparing by studying or taking practice tests for the SAT and ACT tests. Juniors are starting to think about what colleges they want to attend and/or what career path they would like to focus on.

“I am excited to make new friends this year,” said junior student Keilani Bertino. “I am definitely taking the SAT, but I am still deciding whether or not to also take the ACT test. I am taking Advanced Placement (AP) U.S. history because I like U.S. history. I am also taking AP English language because I had honors English last year. I am taking AP psychology because it sounds interesting.”

In addition to classes, students are looking at all that high school has to offer.

“I am looking forward to ceramics, being a teacher’s aide, and the homecoming football game,” said Molly Fleischer.

Many are excited to see their friends at school and to meet their peers. Some are looking forward to learning new things, while others might be dreading the homework load. Some seniors might already have “senioritis” and want to take it easy and enjoy their final year of high school before heading off to college or beginning on a career path. Parents are often ready to have their kids return to a strict school schedule.

Back to School Night at CVHS will be on Thursday, Aug. 29 at 5:45 p.m. and is open to students and their parents. Prom Plus is hosting a special BTSN barbecue, with meals of hot dog, sausage or cheeseburger and a drink and chips for only $7.

While school looms ahead, for CVHS students there’s still time to check off a few more items on the summer “bucket list” such as heading to the beach on the beach bus, but GUSD students are reminded to set their alarms for the first day of school on Wednesday, Aug. 21. Students in the Glendale Unified School District will have a red carpet rolled out for them at their school’s main entrance to create an unforgettable first day experience.

“Learning is a celebration! Our students should feel motivated and inspired to achieve their aspirational goals from the moment they set foot on our campuses,” said Glendale Unified Superintendent Vivian Ekchian. “We want our students and graduates to know that our teachers, staff, and community leaders are celebrating and supporting them every step of the way.”

And drivers: remember to slow down and be alert in school zones since there will be a lot more traffic and kids walking to school now that summer break is coming to an end.