The Crescenta Valley High School Falkon Robotics Team will be reaching out to Girl Scout Troop 9091 and students at Valley View Elementary School in September, hoping to spark an interest in science and technology.
“A large part of what we do is outreach to the community,” said sophomore Isabel Martos-Repath, who is not only a part of the CV robotics team but a Girl Scout as well. She was one who moved the idea forward of pairing the robotics team and Girl Scouts.
The kids will be a part of the First Lego League (FLL), an alliance between FIRST – For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology ¬– and the Lego group. They will build robots out of Legos, preparing them for high school competition when they can join the CV Falkon Robotics Team.
“They [will] build robots and compete in tasks just like ours, but with logos and on a smaller scale,” Martos-Repath said. The competition, which is in November, is against kids their age.
“It seems like fun,” said Girl Scout Kioko Taylor, 10. Kioko said they had a demonstration a couple years ago at her school.
“We saw Isabel do this [demonstration] a couple years ago and my daughter and I were really interested,” said Amy Taylor, Kioko’s mom. She will be the co-coach for the Girl Scout team. Lisa Dols will be the other coach.
Kioko wants to go to competitions and join the CVHS team when she gets into high school.
“I think they are teaching us engineering and using our brains to get us ready,” she said.
Which is right in line with the goals of the organization. “It’s focused less on the competition,” said Martos-Repath, “and more on the interest in science and technology.”