CVHS Club Expo

By Joyce LEE

The highly anticipated Crescenta Valley High School’s Club Expo was held at snack and lunch at the quad during the week of September 15. The annual Club Expo is one of the school year’s main highlights as it encourages students to join both returning and new clubs, and allows them to discover their passions while building friendships.

“Clubs embody the thriving culture of CVHS, as it allows for the growth of students who pursue and spread their passions to others,” Associated Student Body senior vice president, Joyce Park, said.

This year marks a record high number of clubs, with the growing trend of students establishing their own creative clubs. An eye catching new club is the Youtube Club, in which students who are avid fans of Youtubers gather together at weekly meetings and attend Youtube events. There will be two types of meetings: one meeting will consist of watching videos and the other will be aimed for those interested in improving and publicizing their own channels.

“My love for Youtubers inspired me to start this club. It is always pleasant to talk to other students who are subscribed to the same Youtubers as me; we instantly become friends,” Youtube Club founder and president, Tiffany Duarte, said.

Another fairly new club, Beyond the Limits, is continuing to expand. Its aim is for members to form friendships with disabled students from CVHS’s Special Education Department through various events, such as pen pal and seasonal grams.

“My years of volunteering at an outside organization to help mentally disabled children inspired me to create Beyond the Limits. Our goal is to diminish the stereotypes against people with handicaps by getting to know them on a personal level,” Beyond the Limits president, Alice Mo, said.

Recognizing Female Athletes Club was also established last year but has an exponentially growing membership. Its purpose is to raise support for the female sports teams at CVHS who are equally as talented as the male sports teams but receive far less attention. This year, the club plans to launch a t-shirt sale to raise money in support of inner city female athletic programs to expand their mission outside of CVHS.

“I was inspired to establish RFA with Amanda Burch because we were determined to recognize female athlete role models and raise awareness of the sad reality that in many countries, females do not have the freedom to pursue their passion for sports,” RFA co-founder and co-president, Megan Melnyk, said.

From new clubs centered on social media to sports, to traditional clubs such as Key Club, Robotics Team, and Prom Plus Club, there is a seemingly endless list of diverse clubs that any student is welcome to join. Thus, students will find at least one club that will fit to their individual identities and also find a new club that will open their minds to different perspectives.

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