Club Expo Shows a World of Choices

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By Bridget WALSH

Students walking out into the center of school heard music, happy conversation and people bustling with excitement during Club Expo week at Crescenta Valley High School. At the beginning of each school year, CV hosts its annual Club Expo to inform students of new and returning clubs that they can join. This exciting display of student leadership and club commitment takes place in the school quad during snack and lunch breaks to ensure that everyone can take part in the fun.

Club Expo helped promote first year club SAGE (Students Advocating Gender Equality) to “get the word out about our new club and to educate people who want to learn about the issue,” said president and co-founder Elizabeth Szulc.

The expo helps groups recruit new members and provides them with an opportunity to explain face-to-face what their club is about, what they do, and how they help the community. Clubs are also a place to make friends and find people that are interested in the same things.

Associated Student Body – ASB – president Joy McCreary said, “It encourages students to involve themselves but in areas that they are interested in. It’s an event where kids can decide what they want to do, and are encouraged to join.”

With clubs that include the Rock Climbing Club and Skate for Change, there is a group for everyone.

When talking to club members, it’s easy to see that they love what they are doing and want people to feel as passionately as they do.

CV teacher John Pehar, ASB advisor, said, “There are 50 clubs participating in Club Expo and [as of press time] 74 clubs have been approved.” The high number of campus clubs shows how dedicated students are to what they love.

Many clubs are service-driven organizations, providing its members with community service hours. Taking part in clubs is not only about community service hours, position titles, or how it will look on a college application (although it is a big part); clubs help students feel like they are a part of something important and are participating with people who are like-minded.

Feeling like you have a purpose keeps students motivated and positive, whether it is creating a community garden or raising money for autism … both of which could be found at Club Expo.