GUSD Students Prepare to Walk to School


On Wednesday, Oct. 3, GUSD elementary schools are encouraged to put on their walking shoes and participate in the national Walk to School Day.

Parents and staff from many of the local schools will be volunteering their time to make sure that students get to school safely.

Dunsmore Principal Karen Stegman is excited about joining her students in this annual event and has set up multiple meeting points, called Walking School Bus, so students can get the most out of their walk.

“We encourage fitness at every opportunity,” said Stegman adding that the school also supports the Fit Friday program when kids walk to school on Fridays.

Fremont’s principal Christin Walley will be meeting several of her students at Montrose Park on that morning and will make their way to school as a group.

One of Lincoln’s planned meeting areas will be at CV Park where students will begin the walk up the hill with their principal Stephen Williams.

Monte Vista students are also expected to join local schools in celebrating this popular event.

“Groups of kids will be gathering to walk to school together for the Walktober,” said health clerk Stephanie Allen.

Each year Valley View celebrates this fun day in a big way. Big groups of students are expected to use the different routes where designated ‘bus drivers’ will ensure that students get to school so that they can begin the festivities that are planned for them.

Walking-themed music, like “Walk Like an Egyptian,” will be playing on the school’s field and students are encouraged to continue to walk once they have arrived at school.

The students will be treated to a mini assembly when the Fit Friday program will officially kick-off. Valley View participates in Fit Friday every year.

Valley View PTA President Myra Goethals will help pass out bracelets and stickers to many of the students in recognition of their efforts.