On Sept. 21, Flintridge Sacred Heart Academy held an early morning viewing party for Pope Francis’ address to Congress. Faculty, staff, parents and students packed into the school’s library for the live stream event. With breakfast, bingo cards and a life-size cutout of Pope Francis, the event was festive and inspired many students to take to social media to share the event with their friends (#Pope2Congress).
“It was important for our school community to celebrate this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Our students are at an age where they can think critically about their faith and being to take personal responsibility for living out their faith,” said Campus Minister Jazmin Jimenez. “Watching the address was a chance for our young women to engage their hearts and minds in an ongoing faith journey.”
Sarah Hankins, a senior, was one of the students who attended the event.
“I wanted to know what part my faith played in the world of politics,” she said. “I was very impressed that the Pope addressed the death penalty and firmly stated that we must not abandon the hope of rehabilitation. I feel like Jesus would have done the same.”
Jimenez was also impressed by the Pope’s address.
“I was impressed that he was able to address such a wide-range of social issues in a short speech.”
As for the students, many left the event feeling excited by the Pope’s message.
“Though this was a call for change to Congress, it was also a call for action to each of us as individuals,” said Hankins.
Alex Tighe, a junior, agreed. “It was calling us to be peaceful, understanding, loving people of Christ.”