Rain or Shine it’s Time to Walk

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On Oct. 9 students across Crescenta Valley will join students across the nation in Walk to School Day.

Walk to School Day began 16 years ago when communities around the nation kept their cars parked and took to the streets to walk. Now International Walk to School Month has over 40 countries participating keeping in sight this single healthy goal.

The movement began in Chicago and was modeled after the United Kingdom’s walk to school event, according to the organization’s website www.walktoschool.org. In 2010, over 3,500 Walk to School events registered on the organization’s website.

This program has grown in popularity over the years in Crescenta Valley with hundreds of kids taking to the streets to walk and actually talk to each other as they go to school.

In the past law enforcement have patrol units on hand to make certain everyone is safe and they walk. Drivers are reminded that routes to several local schools do not have sidewalks so take caution, as always, when driving around a school.

And walkers are reminded to be aware of the traffic.

Distracted driving and distracted walking can be avoided by simply putting cellphones and other distractions away while walking.