Alexander James from Troop 319 Verdugo Hills, son of Nicolas and Hilda James of Glendale, was recently awarded the rank of Eagle Scout. His Eagle Scout Court of Honor celebration is being postponed until after the pandemic.
James started out as a Tiger Scout in the Cub Scouts with Marie Martin as his Den leader. During his journey with Troop 310 James enjoyed the pinewood derby races, Blue and Gold celebrations and his sleepover in the LA Zoo with his den mates. He received the Arrow of Light Award in fifth grade and bridged into Troop 319 to become a Boy Scout.
James worked on his advancement through the ranks with the help of many wonderful ASMs such as Katie Emery, Chris Davis, Pete Simpson, Jim Venezia and Todd Hessick and learned a lot from some Scoutmasters such as Paul Dols, Andrew Green, Nate Brown and Dan Scaiff. Among those activities he most enjoyed were Boy Scout summer camps, rock rappelling at Vasquez Rocks and many hiking and camping experiences in the Angeles National Park. He is most proud of his hiking merit badge and is able to boast that he has hiked 400 miles so far. His favorite experience in the Scouts was 12 days backpacking through Philmont Scout Ranch –High Adventure Boy Scout Camp in Cimarron, New Mexico. James said the experience was one of the most challenging and rewarding experiences in his life … so far. He got to ride horseback, hike, shoot rifles, pan for gold, use a lasso, explore a silver mine, rock climb and summit the Tooth of Time Mountain that has an elevation of 9,000 ft.
For his Eagle Scout project James wanted to give back to Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles for the exceptional care he was given there. In eighth grade James was given a serious medical diagnosis and was rushed to Children’s Hospital for surgery. He spent a week in a hospital bed recovering from his surgery and was very bored lying in bed waiting to leave. He got the idea of putting together backpacks for children getting out of surgery. He raised funds and donations to give back to CHLA. He delivered 50 backpacks to the hospital filled with activities children coming out of surgery could use in bed while recovering. He included in the backpacks Rubik’s Cubes, playing cards, coloring books, journals, activity books, crayons and toys that kids could occupy themselves with while recovering.
James said he is very grateful for the experiences and friendships the Boy Scouts of America has given him over the years and is looking forward to new adventures in the future and taking part in his lifelong love of hiking.
Submitted by Nicolas JAMES