Horace Mann Elementary Folkloric Dancers Showcase their Talent

Photos by Nicole MOORE

By Nicole MOORE

On Saturday afternoon, the folkloric dancers from Horace Mann Elementary School, ages 6-11, graced the historic Casa Adobe de San Rafael’s patio with their beautiful costumes and intricate dance steps.

Glendale Beautiful, a non-profit corporation that is invested in the beautification of the Glendale area, hosted the annual holiday event. The non-profit takes residence in the Casa Adobe de San Rafael property and was prominent in its restoration and preservation.  

The Horace Mann dancers performed various breathtaking, traditional Mexican dances, including “La Botella,” “El Son de La Negra” and “Jarabe Tapatio,” also known as the “Mexican Hat Dance.”

Chris Burt, Horace Mann Elementary School’s ELD specialist, has been the troupe leader for the past 23 years. Initially, the dance troupe had upwards of 80 members, but in recent years has varied from 40-60 students due, in part, to the expense of the handmade costumes.

Students practice every Friday after school for one to two hours. The troupe is so accomplished that last year, 10 members were given the opportunity to compete in the Showstopper competition held at Disneyland, placing second.

“[My favorite aspect of] the troupe is having [the students] exposed to different cultures. This is not only for Hispanic students but also for all students. We’re a school that’s very diversified … so we have all types of students participating,” said Burt.

Burt also took the opportunity during the event to express her gratitude for the dance troupe members’ parents.

“If not for the parents who help me with hair, makeup, and being at practices, we would not have a troupe,” she said.

The dance showcase was followed by refreshments in the courtyard and a celebratory piñata party.