Jan. 1
300 block of Mellow Lane in La Cañada, all four tires of a vehicle were slashed between 2:30 a.m. and 11:30 p.m.


4600 block of Hillard Avenue in La Cañada, a man reported meeting with a man at a bar and they returned to his home. He told the man he was going to call a car service to go to his home in Palmdale. The man then heard a car engine start up and thought it was another family member. He looked out the window and discovered his vehicle was gone. He also noticed the keys to his vehicle were missing from a table. He had not given the man permission to take the vehicle.
The car theft occurred at 3 a.m.


Dec. 30
3100 block of Evelyn Street in La Crescenta, the driver’s side window was shattered and a briefcase and laptop computer were stolen from a vehicle overnight.


Dec. 29
4400 block of Cloud Avenue in La Crescenta, a vehicle was vandalized at the location at 9:42 a.m.


5700 block of Evening Canyon Drive in La Cañada, a resident returned home to find the sliding glass door leading to a master bedroom had been shattered. The bedroom had been ransacked but no other areas of the home appeared disturbed. Nothing was reported missing at the time.
The incident occurred at 1:12 a.m.


Dec. 18
2300 block of Del Mar Road in Montrose, a vehicle was vandalized at the location between Dec. 18 at 5:30 p.m. and Dec. 19 at 7 p.m.


Nov. 26
1900 block of Waltonia Drive in Montrose, the registration to a vehicle was stolen between Nov. 26 and Dec. 4.