A safe way to dispose of unwanted drugs

Capt. Dave Silversparre, left with Lt. Jeff Hardt and Sgt. Robert Hahnlein, stand next to the newly installed drug receptacles outside the sheriff's station.
Capt. Dave Silversparre, left with Lt. Jeff Hardt and Sgt. Robert Hahnlein, stand next to the newly installed drug receptacles outside the sheriff's station.


The Crescenta Valley Sheriff’s Station has a new outlet for residents to dispose of unwanted prescription drugs as well bio-hazardous used or new hypodermic needles and illegal drugs.

Three mailbox-type receptacles have been installed at the exterior of the entrance to the CV Sheriff’s Station.  There is one for used or new hypodermic needles, one for illegal drugs and one for unneeded prescription drugs.

“This allows the community a safe place to drop off prescription drugs,” said Capt. David Silversparre.

He added that many times people don’t know how to dispose of outdated or no longer needed prescription medication. Disposing of the drugs through the sewer system is bad for the environment.

Leaving the drugs in the home can also be dangerous if there are younger children, especially teenagers, in the home.  Suspensions/expulsions at both the middle and high school have been the result of students bringing prescription drugs to school that were not prescribed to them.

Illegal drugs can also be dropped off in one of the mailbox bins. The items can be disposed of at the sheriff’s station with no questions asked. There are no surveillance cameras, no one will be watching those who decide to take advantage of the program, Silversparre added.

The “Drug Drop-Off” program was kicked off in early fall 2009 by the Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department. Narconon International, a drug information and education organization, supports the program.

“People have called us asking what to do with [old prescription] drugs,” said a Narconon spokeswoman. She has directed those types of calls to the local sheriff stations that provide the disposal bins.

The receptacles are located at the exterior entrance of the CV Sheriff’s Station at 4554 N. Briggs Ave.  Items can be dropped off 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

“It is a providing a good service for the community,” Silversparre said.