from the desk of the publisher

A Healthy New Year

Robin Goldsworthy is the publisher of the Crescenta  Valley Weekly. She can be  reached at  or (818) 248-2740.
Robin Goldsworthy is the publisher of the Crescenta
Valley Weekly. She can be
reached at
or (818) 248-2740.

As many of you know, my parents died relatively young. My dad died at 52 from an apparent heart attack. My mother, a smoker her whole life, died at 63 from lung cancer that had metastasized to her brain. Probably because of this, I am fascinated by aging and health, specifically my aging and health.

For better or worse, I haven’t experienced an aging parent so I don’t know what to expect as I grow older. Is diabetes in my future? Dementia? Or will I journey through life pretty much healthy until my last moments? Because my generation is one that is approaching its senior years in a different mindset than previous generations, the entire aging process is being re-examined and – maybe – redefined. For example, picture in your mind a grandma. Look around today and the image that popped into your head is probably far removed from today’s grandma. Heck, I’m a grandma and certainly don’t fit the image I have of what a grandma traditionally looks like.

I remember looking at photos of my dad’s first wedding when he was around 22 in the ’40s. His folks in the photo looked so old – from their sensible shoes to the conservative hair and glasses, they epitomized senior citizens when in actuality they couldn’t have been older than their late 40s or early 50s. So different from today.

That is why I’m particularly interested in the Crescenta Valley Weekly’s examination of health during the month of January. Over the next four weeks, we’ll be publishing articles on a variety of subjects concerning health – how to get healthy and stay healthy at any age, resources for seniors, effective – and fun – exercise options. Hopefully these articles will serve to not only educate you but inspire you. Watch for the banner that reads Healthy Living 2014 during January (in this issue on page 5).

Being the beginning of the year, there’s no better time to evaluate your health and make whatever changes that will guarantee a healthier – and happier – you.


I love experiencing new things. You may remember that just a couple of years ago I parachuted out of an airplane – what a kick!

Not as dramatic, on Monday night I met up with my son downtown to go to a Clippers game. Matt is an avid Clippers fan and often goes to games at the Staples Center. I had never been to a Clippers game, so when he invited me along I couldn’t say “yes” fast enough.

Since he already works downtown, I decided to take the Metro – another first. I was dropped off at the North Hollywood station – Noho as it’s called now.

I borrowed my son’s Tap card. You use the Tap card to get through the turnstile to get to the train platform. First I had to go to the vending machine and load some money onto the card (the fare from Noho to 7th/Metro was $1.50), then make my way to the turnstile. Unfortunately, I stood there for several minutes (feeling like a fool) before I figured out where exactly I was supposed to tap my Tap card for the turnstile to let me through. Once through, I tried to look nonchalant while I waited for the train.

When I was aboard, it took less than 30 minutes to reach downtown L.A. We passed several stations along the way, most decorated with tiles, paint, or some theme. I was surprised at how clean everything looked, too.

At 7th/Metro, I met up with Matt and we made our way to Trader Vic’s – a place I had always heard of but had never gone to. Another first. Then to the Staples Center. We had excellent seats and were given “thunder sticks” toward the end of the game to herald in the Clippers win over the Magic.

I’ll bet you’re not surprised to learn that I never used thunder sticks before.

A night of firsts, a night of memories.