From the Desk of the Publisher

Muffler Up


Southern California, the beacon for warm weather, is experiencing a cold snap. Lately our temperatures have dipped into the high 30s/low 40s ensuring that local residents grab their warm coats, gloves and scarves (also known as a muffler or wrap) before venturing outside.

I was watching the news the other day and had to laugh as the reporter, standing in the parking lot of a shopping center, described the cold conditions as a shopper walked behind her, shivering with hands deep in his pockets – and wearing shorts. Ah, Californians – we’re reluctant to give up our warm weather wear.

I know the rest of the country is experiencing weather conditions much worse than ours. Mary O’Keefe was a bit melancholy as she showed photos of her hometown – buried under feet of snow. Our office manager Rachelle looked longingly at the picture while I just shivered in empathy. Brrr – too cold for me.

I laughingly say that I’m a “lodger” – I’ll sit in a warm lodge and order a hot toddy as friends and family make their way down the slopes. That’s a fun weekend for me.

Steve and I talk of sometimes moving away to a locale that has snow. I’m quick to point out, though, that when “that white stuff” starts falling from the sky I’ll skedaddle somewhere that’s warm (Palm Springs anyone?). I don’t think our house will be going on the market anytime soon.

For those who like to gather around the fireplace – well, that’s getting harder and harder. Over the Christmas holiday a wood-burning ban was put in place by the South Coast Air Quality Management District due to a forecast of high air pollution in the area, air quality regulators said, according to the Orange County Register.

I’m lucky I have a coat.


On page 3 you’ll find a story on a planning meeting for supporters of Prom Plus. It’s on Jan. 18.

As most of you know, I’ve been active in this organization for over 20 years. Born of a tragedy, Prom Plus has hosted an after-prom event for CVHS seniors and their guests since 1994 – this year will be its 30th anniversary – with the goal of keeping students safe while providing a fun evening. I’ve stepped back from Prom Plus because my volunteer life has taken on other obligations – the Glendale Kiwanis, Salvation Army and CV Chamber of Commerce among others – and I can’t dedicate the time I once did. And, to be honest, I shouldn’t. Parents of current or recent students should be stepping up to take over this awesome organization – kudos to Megan Johnson who has heard the call to action and responded.

The planning meeting on Jan. 18 is a great chance to become more involved – I hope others in our community will also respond to the call.

Robin Goldsworthy is the publisher of the Crescenta Valley Weekly. She can be
reached at
or (818) 248-2740.