At a recent Sunday Harvest Market, a display was set-up that offered information especially geared for senior citizens.
It’s clear that getting old is not easy. For most there are more and more doctor appointments, endless prescriptions and less social time. Loneliness can be a symptom of aging, especially for those who have lost their spouse.
Although depression is not a normal symptom of aging, older adults are at an increased risk for experiencing depression, according to the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention.
“About 80% of older adults have at least one chronic health condition, and 50% have two or more. Depression is more common in people who also have other illnesses (such as heart disease or cancer) or whose function becomes limited,” the CDC stated.
Loneliness is a common issue with the elderly. They have lost friends and spouses and children are living away or are busy. In response to this the City of Glendale offers the Community Services and Parks Senior Services.
Services offered include social events, volunteer opportunities and meals for seniors. There is a case management program for people 60 years old and older. It can provide assistance in areas including transportation, social security, in-home services, legal services and Medicare/medical information and assistance with alternative housing options.
According to Maggie Kavarian, Glendale Community Services supervisor, and Aylin Isayan, Community Service coordinator, it is all part of a program that focuses on how to support aging residents.
“Each person will have a case manager come their home,” Isayan said. The case manager will help with everything from nutrition to transportation, she added.
Because eating a meal is always more enjoyable when shared with others, the Glendale Community Services and Parks centers, including Sparr Heights in Montrose, serve lunch five days a week – Monday through Friday at 11:30 a.m.
For those who are more comfortable staying home, Glendale offers Meals on Wheels that bring meals seven days a week to residents at home.
“We are the only agency in Los Angeles County that serves meals seven days a week,” Kavarian said.
For those who want to prepare their own meals, the Glendale program offers nutritional information. The case manager can also help set up transportation to and from doctors, work and anywhere else seniors
would like to travel.
“We have recreational facilities where we have senior mixers, dances every Thursday and film appreciation [programs],” Isayan said.
Sparr Heights offers a game room with pool tables, too. They also offer volunteer services to keep retirees busy.
“The whole idea is for seniors to stay in their own home for as long as they can,” Kavarian said.
The program is for Glendale residents and residents living in the unincorporated area of Los Angeles/La Crescenta as well.
For information on the programs, call (818) 548-2187 or visit glendaleca.gov and click on Community Services and Parks.