From the Desk of the Publisher

Good News, Bad News

Robin Goldsworthy is the publisher of the Crescenta  Valley Weekly. She can be  reached at   or (818) 248-2740.
Robin Goldsworthy is the publisher of the Crescenta
Valley Weekly. She can be
reached at
or (818) 248-2740.

I don’t know if you’re like me, but it’s weird how sometimes the stars align. For example, I’ll get unexpected money. Then on the heels of that gift my car starts to make a funny sound. The amount it’ll cost to fix it? Right around that same amount I received. It reminds me of the joke about the guy who goes into a bar with an ostrich and however much it costs for their drinks, he always has the exact amount in his pocket … never more than that. It was one of his wishes granted by a genie in a lamp to always have exactly what cash he needed. (Why the ostrich? Well he also wished for a “chick with long legs.”)

I hope you got a little chuckle out of that abbreviated joke. With all that is going on in the world – ugly politics, terrorist attacks, stock market extreme dips, escaped (and found thank God) convicts (not to mention those let out in error) – it can be a struggle to find a smile. I do take comfort in hearing from our readers who either share valuable information or comment on a story specifically or the paper in general. For example I received this from a reader in December: We’ve lived in La Crescenta for 4½ years and have ALWAYS enjoyed the CV Weekly. Thank you for publishing such a great local newspaper. In October, this note made its way to my inbox: Your CV Weekly is wonderful. I look forward to receiving it in the mail every week.

These notes are especially rewarding when one considers how much information we’re inundated with every day. While I love email, let’s face it: There’s more junk that arrives via email than any other avenue. Many businesses try to promote their products or services via email because it’s cheap. Problem is, unlike the reader who wrote in October, no one is waiting to receive that information. Many times it just gets trashed.

Not with us, though. From day one, CV Weekly has been a go-to resource for our community and embraced by our friends and neighbors. I’m proud to say that we’ve proven ourselves as a reliable source of information, both in the weekly printed newspaper and on our website and our e-blasts that we send out on occasion. To be added to the e-blast list, please email me at and put “Add me to the blast” in the subject line of your message. I’m proud that we provide an easy way for businesses to get information to our readers, which are prospective customers for many.

And to combat the depressing things we’re facing in the world, beginning tomorrow, Friday, I am initiating Feel Good Friday. Borrowing from Throwback Thursday, Feel Good Friday will feature every week on our Facebook page a short video or inspirational phrase. I hope they bring a smile to your face. Feel free to send me your inspirational or feel good videos, too; I’ll be happy to share with our thousands of readers and supporters.