Glendale School Board Ratifies Furlough Day Deal

Unanimous vote formally restores full school calendar for 2011-2012

The Glendale Unified School District board of education ratified an agreement between the district and the Glendale Teachers Association (GTA) last night that formally does away with furlough days for the present school year and restores the full academic calendar.

The board’s unanimous vote at its Feb. 7 regular meeting follows a successful GTA ratification vote by union members at the end of January. These votes formally ratify the Jan. 11 agreement by Glendale Unified School District and the Glendale Teachers Association to eliminate two of the three furlough days scheduled for the 2011-12 school year in the present collective agreement. A third furlough day will be pushed forward to the 2012-13 school year.

“Our goal remains to push furlough days into the future, in hopes they will not have to be used,” said Superintendent of Schools Dr. Richard Sheehan. “We need to keep the flexibility of furlough days until the state budget situation stabilizes.”

The present collective agreement calls for four furlough days during 2012-13; this agreement adds a fifth furlough day for next year.

No dates have been selected at this time. Negotiations will continue.